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Features To Do List

eatnumber1 edited this page Jan 25, 2013 · 12 revisions

Bingehack4 has moved, for sanity's sake, as we often very selectively push changes to an upstream project (Nethack4), to using a GitHub-style workflow, where programmers fork ComputerScienceHouse/bingehack4 to themselves and make a pull request for integrating their changes.

Features To-Do List

Easy Difficulty

  • Migrate this entire wiki page into multiple bugs on the issue tracker with a milestone to aggregate them all.
  • Look at how achievements are implemented in bingehack and start adding hooks for them in BingeHack4.
  • Better bedeck 'The Potter Level'; trees, different statues (removing the statues completely would make the game harder for wizarding folk), perhaps faux-elbereth'd landmines under dented pots in reference to explosive pot flying that occurs regularly at Potter parties? Or maybe ice-y water sections (similar Potter-party references).
  • Make talking to Potter free? It would make more sense. You would need to change the XP system around Oracle consultations to avoid this being sploitable. Aka maybe you only get a set amount of XP the first time you talk to him, or maybe he gives you free food sometimes/instead, etc.

Medium Difficulty

  • Re-implement a live 'bingeboard' of the status of current games being played. We were considering doing this via adding additional PGSql logging during game turns, but other ideas can be entertained.
  • Re-implement achievements database magic from bingehack in BingeHack4.
  • Re-implement logging deaths to a database
    • Add hooks for bingehack twitter
  • Look for open bugs in the issues tracker.
  • When you see it, fix terrible source code formatting that NetHack 4 introduced with its tools. These should be targeted for our 'upstream' branch.
  • Port pre-Clockfort-and-Russ bingehack ('bingesoft') code. Including data.base.
  • Re-implement mail system or chat or similar.

Advanced Difficulty

  • Tackle things Russ, Clockfort, and older CSH nethack fork/patch devs (Werkt, Marius, Wes, etc) never got around to or bungled up too hard to make workable. For instance: More multiplayer features; an Izchak-like guaranteed minetown item shop multiplayer auction house. A communal sacrificial prayer to save a fallen or near fallen comrade (might actually be even easier nowadays with Nethack 4's time reversal abilities) The sky's the limit.