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Releases: ColinDuquesnoy/MellowPlayer
Releases · ColinDuquesnoy/MellowPlayer
This release contains the artifacts of a continuous build.
While this is not an official release, this build is considered stable as all unit tests and integration tests passed. Use it if you want to try the latest features!
Travis CI build log:
Implemented enhancements:
- Add brazilian translations #256
- Settings page for each plugin. #236
- Youtube: automatically mute and skip ads #218
- Stop automatically playing videos in MellowPlayer #130
- Youtube plugin improvements #229 (NicolasGuilloux)
- Add Yandex Music support #223 (rustamzh)
- Google Play Music: handle cases when we can't go to next/previous #222 (DmMlhch)
- Google Play Music: add favorites support #220 (DmMlhch)
- Switch from CMake to Qbs #213
Fixed bugs:
- MPRIS2 Pause should only pause, not be a toggle and play if already paused #250
- Unable to add user scripts on Windows 10 #249
- Fix Qt 5.11 qml warnings #244
- Listening history broken with Qt 5.11 #243
- Mixcloud mixtape art sometimes missing or blurry in KDE Mpris Client #240
- Open Dev Tools from right-click menu does not work. #239
- Quit action from KDE's MPRIS player tray icon does not work #226
- Web view scrollbar does not always work and is hard to use #225
- Unable to maximize window on 1280x720 screens #221
- Fix Spotify integration script #258 (b0o)
- Youtube plugin improvements #229 (NicolasGuilloux)
- Youtube: fix the art URL and the position #227 (NicolasGuilloux)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Google Play Music : add seeking support #219 (DmMlhch)
- Minor docs updates #215 (axxx007xxxz)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- JS errors in ympd #207
- JS errors in Google Play Music #206
- JS Error on Deezer login page #205
- mellowplayer-3.3.3 compilation fails on Fedora 27 #196
Closed issues:
- [Documentation] Broken links to ReadTheDocs in some files #201
- error message when generating man/html page with sphinx #199
Merged pull requests:
- Fix broken links to ReadTheDocs in some files #202 (andrewjmetzger)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Russian localization #186
- [New Service] Add support for #182
- Use custom dialogs for WebEngine dialogs #180
- Improve centering of services overview grid #178
- Improve web views management #177
- Redesign service settings #176
- Use QtWebChannel to interact with streaming service web page #172
- Add Network Proxy Support #170
Fixed bugs:
- Broken Wynk integration plugin #181
- Scrolling in the service settings page is slow and emits lots of QML warnings #175
- Quit shortcut doesn't work anymore #174
- CMake developper warning #173
- Fail to build when Qt was linked using GNU Gold Linker #171
Closed issues:
- Update copyright year #185
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow to customize notifications per service #158
- Add support for compiling on FreeBSD #157
- Add a way to easily open the logs folder #156
- Add missing QtWebEngine command line arguments #150
- Improve state restoration #141
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot change settings on Windows 7 #168
- MellowPlayer does not start anymore with Qt 5.10 #167
- Single application instance sometimes does not work #161
- Broken Tidal integration plugin #160
- "You are now in fullscreen" message shown when quitting fullscreen mode #159
- Notifications on Ubuntu are not showing properly #153
- [Windows] Blank screen on Deezer #152
- [UI Regression] Service grid is not centered anymore #147
- Deezer love button broken #146
- Logout cancelled by MellowPlayer #143
Merged pull requests:
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ambiance theme for ubuntu #138
- Add support for ympd #118
- Add a dustbin icon where users can drag a service icon to disable the service #116
- Add ability to specify list of supported platforms for a plugin #115
- [Feature request] Zoom #114
- Integrate Catalan translation #111
- Integrate Spanish translation #110
- Add a function to change the user agent in the settings #102
- Add Radionomy #100
- Add shortcut to open web developer tools #80
- MPRIS: Use favorite song info #79
- Add #75
- Add support for user scripts #69
Fixed bugs:
- Drag & Drop to trash icon does not always work #136
- TuneIn integration broken #133
- Mixcloud integration plugin broken #108
Closed issues:
- Deezer - playback switches to random songs #127
- mellowplayer.desktop does not pass desktop-file-validate #104
- Buttons not translatable #101
Merged pull requests:
- Add favorites support to soundcloud plugin #134 (Cogitri)
- GPM: improve playback status detection #129 (terinjokes)
- Add Wynk Music plugin #125 (shreyanshk)
- Update #123 (ZeroDot1)
- updated #122 (ZeroDot1)
- Anghami #120 (mahmoudhossam)
- Add a Gitter chat badge to #119 (gitter-badger)
- Feature pocketcasts plugin #117 (kolletzki)
- Fix Buttons not translatable / #103 (ZeroDot1)