Releases: ClassiCube/MCGalaxy
Releases · ClassiCube/MCGalaxy
- Support for reordering inventory
- Can edit the core color codes
- Support for custom odoors
- Can repeat commands from console
- /ctf goto
- Reduced allocations in packet receiving/sending
- ' >'/' <' (and support ' /'/' ') for partial messages, instead of just '>'/'<'
- /unloaded is now /worlds, and outputs all maps regardless if loaded
- Increase max values in security tab in GUI to 1 million
- Commands and block names aren't all lowercase now
- Require extra perm to see mb/portal contents in /b
- Checkered brush supports more than two blocks
- Don't bother creating absolute position updates when bot hasn't moved
- Reduced allocations in various places
- /whois now displays custom skin and model names
- Output of /place and /splace not shown when ignore drawop output on
- Bug where drawops showed wrong blocks to some players
- bottom controls in main tab of properties being 23 pixels too far down
- Bezier curve having minor artifacts
- /worldresize alias
- /splace says actual block name
- /os map delete not outputting anything when used on non-os map
- Changing block bounds, still 'killing' you assuming the block had its old block bounds
- /ignore titles/nicks being wrong way around
- /whonick returning 'player not online', when multiple people match
- /copy @
- /waypoint on unloaded maps
- Fall death and drowning
- /afk list
- /paint shouldn't reset /mode
- /ref
- /lb edit 60 blockdraw asd erroring
- /team leave XYZ, shouldn't make you leave name
- random/cloudy brush with more than two blocks
- /ride locking you in wrong yaw direction
- /update, incompatible with most environments
- [owner] prefix if player is server owner
- /reload [name]
- Spammy message on every lava flood in LS
- /bezier command to draw a bezier curve
- /ignore output, to ignore output of draw commands
- /delay for use in MBs
- spin/mirror/rotate account for directional blocks
- Extended collide types to lb/gb
- Document lb/gb properties
- Indev map importer
- /zone list
- Can open chat tokens popup list in EditText GUI
- CPE message in bottom right displaying status of draw operations
- Default physics undo limit increased to 50,000
- Make /map work with unloaded maps
- Visit permission checked before map itself is loaded, avoiding unnecessary level load
- Help of mute/freeze
- GUI uses numerical updowns in more places
- Message logged to console when heartbeat send fails
- Deadly hug rank is configurable
- AFK kick time, AFK kicked, map volume generation configurable per rank
- Don't see 100 continue for heartbeats, reduces network overhead
- If map has realm owner, only specifically check that for /os
- Show message when setting offset of where to paste from for /copy @
- Reload threshold now based on volume of map
- Document /blockprops stackblock, add way to remove stackblock
- /replaceall only counts blocks that will actually be replaced against draw limit
- Grass doesn't die by upper slabs
- Physics blocks should use blockdef of their core block representation
- Changing profanity filter or custom$s list not updating in-game immediately
- /z holes without any args, should leave every other block untouched.
- lb shouldn't inherit gb blockprops
- Air_switch should be activatable by users, but not Air_door
- gb/lb remove not showing message
- Blockprops changed from GUI not updating loaded levels
- Very rare case where players would have stats reset
- /fly to actually work
- /gun handler still being called, after turning off /map guns
- /static mode being reset if draw op exceeds rank limit
- Don't allow opchat/adminchat when muted
- Own position still being moved with /tp, even if couldn't join map target was on
- Being able to whitelist higher ranked players
- /gen with heightmap theme erroring from console
- Ranks losing their block perms after modifying ranks in gui
- Checkpoint blocks setting client-side spawn point incorrectly
- Changing rank colors/prefix in gui updates online players
- Changing ranks in gui doesn't affect actual server state when discarded
- hackrank/fakerank changes entity nametag and tablist color
- /fixgrass is only usable in-game
- CommandParser.GetEnum only allows actual values of the enum
- Drowning not being accurate time, custom gas blocks not counting as 'air'
- Don't allow spaces in rank names.
- Sending BlockPermissions packet when changing rank, without checking client support.
- Selecting block in gui marking it as having props changed, even if they werent' actually
- /endround, is now /zs endround
- Auto updating (check for updates automatically still supported)
- Pointless /lottery command
- Stack block (slabs/stairs) is a block property now
- Ability to measure ping with /ping
- Can configure IRC settings (command prefix, controller rank) from Gui
- Can disable afk/unafk showing on IRC
- lb/gb info shows block tint colour
- /help map motd details the special rules (-hax, +respawn, etc)
- Having 30-35 bots causing 10-20% CPU usage on mono
- Opchat/Adminchat showing to IRC
- uPnP not working at all
- Console not showing timestap for commands
- Players not being sent to spawn base in CTF
- /bots not working from console
- /me showing up on IRC when level has level-only chat
- Various commands still sending globally when level-only chat
- CTF writing broken config
- random/cloudy brush showing 'only admin+ can draw with unknown'
- No message being shown when specifiying an invalid block in commands
- Upgrading old lockdown erroring
- Being able to send opchat messages with no contents
- Listening on a specific IP
- Color selector to GUI
- Implement /highlight area
- /circleh (/sphere hollowcircle) for drawing hollow circles
- Grass dying physics on physics level >= 1
- IRC bot can now join multiple channels and opchannels.
- Reduce memory usage of CopyState by around ~43%
- Blocks, Commands, Rank GUI rewritten to be more user friendly
- Color codes are no longer in server log files
- EditText GUI design, files supported
- Allow binding custom blocks, and binding to custom blocks
- Now /mode supports custom blocks
- Allow reasons in mute/jail
- ZS uses separate config file now
- Support custom blocks in /measure and /rp
- Floatwood floats up through still water now
- Secret commands now log who used them to server logs and can't be used when muted
- Now /setrank shows who did the rank
- /tempranks can have reasons, duration is accurate to seconds
- Now /map edge floods in actual edge block
- /freeze and /mute require timespans
- Optimise getting block AABB for bot and player movement
- Various things (Guns, missiles, /ride) no longer run on separate threads
- /undoplayer not working from console or IRC
- Don't spam GC performed, only show message when mem freed is >= 100 KB
- /os map add keeping level in memory.
- Make sure custom plugins are properly unloaded then reloaded when doing /server reload
- /server reset setting server salt to blank instead of new random value
- /copy @
- Mistakes in fc_island implementation
- Fixed: /slap, /ascend, /descend with custom blocks
- Snakes griefing through solid blocks
- sponge/lava_sponge with still water/lava
- Don't allow core commands to be unloaded by using their shortcut
- After rank change, resend block permissions, and reset mode types and block bindings
- Various block behaviour not working for /lb that replaced core blocks
- /top supports timespent now
- Allow any ASCII character in server name/motd
- Colour bleeding in /who when on a museum map (Thanks fam0r)
- Emotes in message breaking WoM
- Joining museums after joining a world not causing world to auto-unload
- /mark
- Changing fallback not auto-reloading clients that don't support custom blocks
- MCGalaxy can now run in 64 bit native
- Can set map sides (bedrock) offset
- Positions are now supported past -1024 or 1024 (currently 32768)
- Ability to rotate players and bots on X and Z axis
- Can whitelist/blacklist specific ranks in /blockset
- /botai list
- /uban as /xban alias, except doesn't ban IP
- Can change animal AI of core blocks
- Show actual name of command that can't be used in an /mb
- /restoreselection is a drawop, works with different sized ma[ backups
- /top uses coloured names, accepts name identifiers instead of names, better formatting
- Less pointless spam on login
- Can activate portals and message blocks in non-deletable map
- /pe can change total placed/deleted/drawn now
- Auto filter dropbox urls to point to download page in /texture
- Simplified /cmdset usage
- Using /main while in /main sends to spawn
- Less usage of timers, less CPU usage on mono
- /awards, /seen uses player's coloured name
- Heightmap gen has stone cliffs now
- /newlvl and /resizelvl automatically round to multiple of 16
- Don't bother doing MovePreviousLevelFiles() is pointless
- GUI log now has limited long length, preventing excessive memory use after long uptime
- Rank filenames now automatically calculated
- Brush support added to /outline
- /rules [name] sending rules to self
- Can ban/rank offline players with or without last +
- Prevent /save from revealing hide
- Maps should generate with still water
- Being able to fill over active_water, even if can't use active_water
- Two entities being able to assigned same entity ID
- Fall death
- /place not working when coords above 1024 or below -1024
- Bots falling outside map on bottom and map borders
- Not all players not being sent to spawn in countdown
- Night mode doesn't clear gui log anymore
- User selection preserved when chat is appended to gui log
- % being removed when last character in message
- Visual bug with custom and non-custom blocks in a drawop
- /ccols add not checking hex colour properly
- Can use non-existent LB from another map to 'build' on non-buildable map
- Heartbeat URL not showing up changed in gui when IP changes
- Stats corruption when over 32767 deaths
- /top10 with offset
- /map edge always using half map height, instead of edge level
- Train ride thread not being removed after player disconnected
- /place with sand/gravel and physics on leaving ghost blocks
- /os map delete [num], now just /os map delete
- /garbage as pointless, every level join does GC anyways
- City from /location, now only goes to country level
- Show client's app name in server logs when connecting
- /mi now also shows number of BlockDB entries
- /viewranks, /whitelist, etc now show proper case of name
- Fixed lb/gb edit fallback not showing name
- Generate server salt only at startup, so /server reload deoesn't reload salt
- /ccols list uses pagination too
- /img accounts for whether a custom block is fullbright
- /copylvl now also copies bots
- Logs are now per day instead of being combined
- Show block id/name message at end of /b
- /goto and /mapinfo match against all maps, not just loaded
- /voteresults, as it is pointless
- /paste on map borders
- /zmodel without args changing your own model to '-own'
- /mode dirt/grass
- ZS lottery
- /ride not working
- Lava sponge / sponge not being properly removed
- air_door not working
- Don't let pay/give/take 0 money
- Importing maps with upper case letters on linux
- Show reason for kick from IRC
- Do not allow killing same rank, when muted/chat moderation
- Empty teams not being removed
- Don't patrol yourself
- Prevent using /summon to reset AFK
- Make /tempban save and show time left in kick message
- Some block changes not adding to BlockDB
- Not showing /goto messages at all when hidden
- Being able to use /rankmsg to bypass ignore
- Don't pointlessly send models
- /clones not including online players
- Allow using code page 437 in custom block names, entity name tags
- /b for air displaying 'airfallback'
- /say causing massive spam in console
- Console can now see invalid command attempts.
- /ignore 8ball
- /goto random
- Can reference external assemblies in custom commands
- /map treetype to specify what tree types saplings grow into
- (fCraft like) trees, and some other trees
- /zs go
- .binvox importer
- When you lb/gb edit/copy a core block, auto creates custom block
- More fCraft command aliases
- gb/lb info displays texture ids
- Combine clones/whoip, tnt/mode, move/tp
- Bot nick limit increased to 62
- Show server version in heartbeat
- /baninfo, /rankinfo, /notes, /temprankinfo partially match
- /setspawn now updates own spawn point
- Noclip, bots, walkthrough, killer blocks use real AABB colllisions
- /imgprint adjusts to env colors, allows custom palettes with /palette
- Paste brush now allows you to specify blocks to include/exclude
- Negative blocks affected in vertical /torus
- Being able to maintain /fly from current into a non-hax map
- All unicode to code page 437 issues
- /copylvl and /renamelvl with blockprops
- Null reference for zones with non-existent groups
- GUI works on mono now
- Some ways to bypass /mute
- /museum not loading custom blocks/env, bypassing pervisit
- /resizelvl resetting spawn
- /os lb add/edit always creating blocks with uppercase names
- Double {{ in IRC messages
- New servers not auto generating builder/advbuilder/op/superop ranks
- /changelog as it was mostly useless anyways