released this
08 May 00:54
2886 commits
to master
since this release
- MCGalaxy can now run in 64 bit native
- Can set map sides (bedrock) offset
- Positions are now supported past -1024 or 1024 (currently 32768)
- Ability to rotate players and bots on X and Z axis
- Can whitelist/blacklist specific ranks in /blockset
- /botai list
- /uban as /xban alias, except doesn't ban IP
- Can change animal AI of core blocks
- Show actual name of command that can't be used in an /mb
- /restoreselection is a drawop, works with different sized ma[ backups
- /top uses coloured names, accepts name identifiers instead of names, better formatting
- Less pointless spam on login
- Can activate portals and message blocks in non-deletable map
- /pe can change total placed/deleted/drawn now
- Auto filter dropbox urls to point to download page in /texture
- Simplified /cmdset usage
- Using /main while in /main sends to spawn
- Less usage of timers, less CPU usage on mono
- /awards, /seen uses player's coloured name
- Heightmap gen has stone cliffs now
- /newlvl and /resizelvl automatically round to multiple of 16
- Don't bother doing MovePreviousLevelFiles() is pointless
- GUI log now has limited long length, preventing excessive memory use after long uptime
- Rank filenames now automatically calculated
- Brush support added to /outline
- /rules [name] sending rules to self
- Can ban/rank offline players with or without last +
- Prevent /save from revealing hide
- Maps should generate with still water
- Being able to fill over active_water, even if can't use active_water
- Two entities being able to assigned same entity ID
- Fall death
- /place not working when coords above 1024 or below -1024
- Bots falling outside map on bottom and map borders
- Not all players not being sent to spawn in countdown
- Night mode doesn't clear gui log anymore
- User selection preserved when chat is appended to gui log
- % being removed when last character in message
- Visual bug with custom and non-custom blocks in a drawop
- /ccols add not checking hex colour properly
- Can use non-existent LB from another map to 'build' on non-buildable map
- Heartbeat URL not showing up changed in gui when IP changes
- Stats corruption when over 32767 deaths
- /top10 with offset
- /map edge always using half map height, instead of edge level
- Train ride thread not being removed after player disconnected
- /place with sand/gravel and physics on leaving ghost blocks
- /os map delete [num], now just /os map delete
- /garbage as pointless, every level join does GC anyways
- City from /location, now only goes to country level