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François Thibaud edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 15 revisions


The folders structure is defined by the means of the content in it.

Basic structure

The basic structure for the theme is like this :

├── assets
│   ├── acf
│   │   ├── json
│   │   └── php
│   ├── facetwp
│   └── searchwp
├── components
│   ├── gutenberg
│   ├── loops
│   └── parts
├── languages
└── templates


The assets folder contains all the static code for the configuration of the plugins like

  • ACF
  • SearchWP
  • FacetWP

The goal of theses folders is to handle the .json and .php files needed for the configuration.


The files naming is for ACF

  • JSON : {group-slug}.json
  • PHP {group_slug}.php

The files naming for SearchWP

  • JSON : config.json

The files naming for facetWP

  • JSON : config.json


Into the components directory we add all the theme files we need, theses files are bits of code included into our theme with get_template_part function.


The gutenberg folder contains all the gutenberg blocs you want to render in PHP.


The template names into gutenberg is free but it's strongly recommended to create sub-folder based on context like components/gutenberg/{plugin}/{filename}.php

  • components/gutenberg/beapi-summary/summary.php.
  • components/gutenberg/beapi-products/product-1-1.php
  • components/gutenberg/beapi-products/product-1-4.php
  • components/gutenberg/beapi-products/product-1-thumbnail.php


The loops folder contains everything that is between while(have_posts()): the_post() ... endwhile.


The name of the files have to be {post_type}.php, so if I want to add a template for the event post_type I will create a file like this components/loops/event.php


The parts folder will contain all the specific parts for our theme used for one specific post_type or context.


The template names into parts is free but it's strongly recommended to create sub-folder based on context or post_type like components/parts/{post_type}/{filename}.php

  • components/parts/event/metadata.php
  • components/parts/event/header.php
  • components/parts/event/footer.php

If there is shared parts, so there is two solutions

  1. put in the components/parts/ folder directly and create a shared directory
  2. move it into the blocs directory on his own folder


The templates directory is used for the WordPress template system. Because WordPress only scan 1 folder depth, this is not possible to add a new folder into this one.


The naming is mainly free, but it's recommended that we use the post_type first since WordPress allow custom post types templates when multiple post_types are involved there is no need to specify the post_type into the filename.

So we can have

  • templates/page-fullwidth.php
  • templates/post-iframe.php
  • templates/iframe.php


The language folder contains every translation, this is mandatory to have a {text-domain}.pot file into this directory. The post file can be generated with wp-cli i18n command. Every language translated into this directory have to be like

  • {locale}.mo
  • {locale}.po

The best practise is to centralize all the translations into the wp-content/languages/ directory allowing users to edit them without touching the theme itself with, for example, loco translate plugin.