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Nicolas Juen edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 4 revisions

Add script for the admin

You have to create a script in the dist/admin-editor-script.js plugin folder. This will load it automatically on ADMIN side.

Add theme supports

Edit the method inc/Services/Editor.php after_theme_setup Example :

		add_theme_support( 'disable-custom-colors' );
		add_theme_support( 'disable-custom-gradients' );

					'name'  => __( 'Dark green', 'beapi-frontend-framework' ),
					'slug'  => 'dark-green',
					'color' => '#293F06',

					'name'      => __( 'Heading 6', 'beapi-frontend-framework' ),
					'shortName' => __( 'S', 'beapi-frontend-framework' ),
					'size'      => 21,
					'slug'      => 's',

Register pattern category

Edit the file inc/Services/Editor_Patterns.php method register_categories and register patterns categories :

	public function register_categories(): void {
				'label' => _x( 'Cover', 'Block pattern category', 'beapi-frontend-framework' ),

Register pattern

Edit the file inc/Services/Editor_Patterns.php method register_patterns and register patterns categories :

	public function register_patterns(): void {

				'title'      => __( 'Group list', 'beapi-frontend-framework' ),
				'categories' => [ 'cover' ],
				'content'    => $this->get_pattern_content( 'src/stories/patterns/block-patterns/GroupListing/GroupListing.html' ),
				'blockTypes' => ['core/paragraph']

The method will get the content of the pattern, relative to the theme folder.

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