Software packages for Franka Emika Panda that enable manipulation with MoveIt 2 inside Ignition Gazebo. For control, gz_ros2_control is used.
This branch targets ROS 2 galactic
and Gazebo fortress
Below is an overview of the included packages, with a short description of their purpose. For more information, please see of each individual package.
- panda – Metapackage
- panda_description – URDF and SDF description of the robot
- panda_moveit_config – MoveIt 2 configuration for the robot
These are the primary dependencies required to use this project.
All additional dependencies are either pulled via vcstool (panda_ign_moveit2.repos) or installed via rosdep during the building process below.
Clone this repository, import dependencies, install dependencies and build with colcon.
# Clone this repository into your favourite ROS 2 workspace
git clone
# Import dependencies
vcs import < panda_ign_moveit2/panda_ign_moveit2.repos
# Install dependencies
IGNITION_VERSION=fortress rosdep install -y -r -i --rosdistro ${ROS_DISTRO} --from-paths .
# Build
colcon build --merge-install --symlink-install --cmake-args "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
Before utilising this package, remember to source the ROS 2 workspace.
source install/local_setup.bash
This enables:
- Execution of binaries, scripts and examples via
ros2 run panda_* <executable>
- Launching of setup scripts via
ros2 launch panda_* <launch_script>
- Discoverability of shared resources