Releases: AminoJS/Amino.JS
v.2.0 (The Blog / Wiki Update)
"Finally, we can release it." ~Me, or so.
The Blog / Wiki update gives new functionaly to AminoJS, fixed some bugs, enhances security and handles testcases way differently then v.0.1
- Create, Comment and Delete Different Wiki Entries / Blog Posts. (Restricted to User Online)
- Fetch Blogs from Community Feed or a Community User.
- Users can now use AminoJS Safe, because it runs now via HTTPS
- Testcases, a lot of them.
- Added Code of Conduct and Issue Templates.
Full Changelog (with PR Refrence):
#6 Make Login more simple
Thanks to Felix, we don't need to parse in the secret ID, that was required in every function we called.
#9 Modulize the Core Libary
Also thanks to Felix, the entire libary is now seperated in modules, wich makes easier development possible.
#12 The Wiki Stuff!
Robin then started working on the "Wiki Stuff", with that PR, the Libary started to have Wiki Functionallties. The Libary could, with the PR: Create, Comment, Delete Wiki Blogs.
#25 Fetch User Blogs
Felipe and Robin created the Ability to fetch User Blogs! (Dammmn Daniel! :D)
#26 Blog all
Thanks to First-Time Contributor Tau5 AminoJS got all of the Blogs! Thanks from me again!
#29 HTTPS!
Woo.. we got that now.
[#30 & #31 & #32 Repoworks!
#30 Create issue Templates!
#31 Create Code of Conduct
#32 New Testcases!
Just some Repowork. New Issue Templates, a Code of Conduct and Testcases for easier Development.
The Documentation Update!
v.0.1 (The Documentaion Update!):
The Code was documentated.
First Official Alpha Release since open-sourcing the Project.
The Code is now Avaible and Maintend on Github! (
Pullrequest is under: (
Full Changelog with Commit Names:
[db28fd1 & 05b6e08] Switching from gitlab-ci to Travis-Ci.
[95180d5] Added Eslint as a Sutiable Testcase.
[6935738] Removed some Testcases because of Sorter-Rewrite
[840c1f2] Changed the Readme to actually Look Better.
[3c489ae] Added a new Function called getMyProfile which fetches the logged in Profile
[4641444] Added the Docs for the above mentioned Function