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Telecon: 2023 09 27

Nicole edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 4 revisions

2023/9/27 Meeting


  • Nicole finished adding a check for global unique domain IDs in Ascent

    • Found a bug in amrex library
      • Needed to add some ID offsets within the amrex to conduit/blueprint conversion
  • Nicole did a preliminary build against VTKm's 2.1-rc on Frontier

    • Needed to update to Kokkos 3.7+
    • Looked like more tests than usual failed
      • The new VTKm failures could be due to the slice fix
      • Need to update baselines
  • Cyrus working on Conduit spack updates then will move to Ascent

  • Experiencing artifacts in WarpX renderings

    • Turns out this has been happening for a while
    • Cyrus thinks it has to do with structured grids
  • Cyrus and Nicole gave a 1 hour mini tutorial to the monthly OLCF User Conference Call

  • Frontier directory we used for public installs (ums010) has been disabled.

    • Nicole is trying to get added to WarpX project to give them a public install with new modules
  • UO found AMRWind memory issue using Ascent's build recipe rather than AMRWind

  • Meghanto's LANL sampling work

    • PR -- need to update CI baselines


  • Check with WarpX about sharing Frontier results

  • Ping Abhishek about particle stuff he did and getting it into ascent

  • Work with Manish to get shadow volume rendering into ascent

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