This is the repo that contains AiC project web interface.
To set-up a production environment, first install the npm dependencies.
$ npm install --production
This will install only dependencies needed by the build, excluding packages for development and testing.
Then, to create the transpiled JS files and assets, build the project:
$ npm run build
It will create the ./build/
folder. This folder can be served by any
webserver to start the frontend AiC application.
$ cd build/
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
Now you can access in your browser
The application uses a configuration file in JSON format. It is named
and it should be in the root of your application,
typically at ./build/config.json
. In this project we offer a sample
at ./config-sample.json
"backend": {
"protocol": "http",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 12345,
"timeout": 5000
"userHome": "projects",
"debug": true
Make sure that you set a valid AiC backend
, otherwise the
application will not work.
To set-up a development environment, first install the npm dependencies. In this mode we want to install the all dependencies, including development and testing ones. Therefore, do not use the option --production (as seen in production environment).
$ npm install
This will install all dependencies needed to build, start development webserver and run tests.
Then, to create the static assets needed by the development webserver, build the project:
$ npm run build
It will create the ./build/
folder. This folder is then used by the
development webserver. To start the development webserver use the
npm start
$ npm start
> [email protected] start /AiC/frontend
> webpack-dev-server --content-base ./build/ --history-api-fallback --progress --port 9080 --hot --inline
webpack result is served from /
content is served from /AiC/frontend/build
404s will fallback to /index.html
webpack: wait until bundle finished: /
Hash: 32c181be8097ea1d115f
Version: webpack 2.1.0-beta.21
Time: 16348ms
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
app.js 12.3 MB 0 [emitted] main
chunk {0} app.js (main) 4.48 MB [entry] [rendered]
[0] ./~/react/react.js 56 bytes {0} [built]
Now you can access in your browser http://localhost:9080/
In this environment, each time a change occurs in one of the source files the application files will be modified automatically, without restarting the web server or rebuilding the entire application. However, there is still a need to reload the application in browser.
Storybook offers a simple interface that lists react components, like a component library for your project. To start storybook with AiC react components, first install project dependencies and then start the webpack storybook dev server.
$ npm install # Install all project dependencies
$ npm run start-story # Start storybook server
Run npm test
to run the tests on the project. It runs the code style
test, the unit tests on the components and the check for console usage
in the code.
Run npm run test:coverage
to run the unit tests and create test
coverage output. The coverage files are created in a folder named
Integration tests are now in a separated aic_features repository. The gitlabci integration pipeline will clone and run integration tests on this project.
- Tables: can not unselect all (open issue on the Table component of material-ui)
- Tables: header separator bugs on DOM change (open issue)
- Reflux unsubscribe method is broken, so users will get React messages like this:
Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op. Please check the code for the undefined component.
- [Fixed] There was a VM white screen chrome bug ref1 ref2
If in the browser you get the message Cannot GET /
it is possible
that you start the server without a /build
directory. Build the
project with the following command and reload the browser.
npm run build
If when opening the application in the browser you have the following message:
It was not possible to load the application.
Please contact administrator to verify the application installation.
It is possible that you have an invalid configuration file. Please check the section Configuration file for more details.
Historically, up to version v0.2.0, this project needed to be cloned with the recursive option because noVNC was a git sub project.
Now, since version v0.2.1, noVNC is part of the project as a npm package. Therefore, there is no need for special cloning (with --recursive option) on this project.
Update all code to xo default style✅- Update readme (config.json, how to run tests, etc...)
- Tests
Configure backend so the tests can pass✅Write/adapt features(transfered to aic_features project) ❌- Write all the unit tests for all the components (the POC is for a single component and does nothing).
Use ReactTestUtils on unit tests✅- Create react-router mink
- Try other browsers for behavior testing
- Apply this integration testing (just a check if the app is working)
- Theme test should be in another app (probably do it with the webpack change)
- Continuously deployment for dev env with stridercd ?
- Add eslint-plugin-ava when xo gets fixed
- Components test vs Theme page (maybe they can share some code).
- Auth Todos
disconnect user when token is invalid in any backend request✅- true logout (now is just application sided not server sided)
- replace localstorage by another storage?
- Auth classes need some cleaning
- Fix 1st load of app when token exists but invalid
- Routing
Not found route✅Next Path broken (regression)✅- Views have router.push(pathname), probably needs to be changed, so if one changes pathname there is no need to revisit all views.
- Lazy load routes remix-run/react-router#924
- Live
- Get initial VM state to set the frontend sensors (for example battery slides should be relative to the vm battery)
Audio port✅- Callbacks from async calls should check id (for example previous live calls can trigger current live session)
- Implement machine state
- Activate GSM functions only on phone images
- Activate GSM accept/hold/cancel if there is a current call
- Limit the extensions allowed on the upload of camera assets
- Add validation on the fields of frontend (started with formsy package)
- React
- props => {} functions do not check propTypes, in fact it does Stateless Functions, needs more testing
- reorganize components into stateless components and containers (started with unit tests)
- Check perf with react-addons-perf
- Build
- Try to light up the build, npm cache?
- Clean up gulp tasks (simplified version can be found in other R&D projects)
- Replace browserify by webpack with tree shaking then add again the indexes files
- Packages
Change noVNC from git submodule to a npm module✅Update node packages (a lot of work since everything will be broken by that)✅When new version is available put back to npm the nyc package (instead of the fork with --extension)✅- Extract API lib to external package
- Backend API
- valid response type (application/json for example)
- create api user preferences
- revisit the list vms API, should the filter by project done by frontend?
- Prod
- We probably want to include babel-polyfill for production builds.