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Inquire v1.1.0

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@Sephta Sephta released this 09 Oct 03:57

Inquire Fall 2021 Update 1

Patch Notes

Major Improvements

Mobile Styling

  • Improved styling of User Profile pages to better fit a variety of screen sizes

  • Improved Left side navigation bar

    • On screen width smaller than 768px, navbar is replaced with foldable navigation in order to free up screen realestate
  • Improved layout of "mobile" page styling on the main Course page, as well as other pages throughout the site

    • Added full funcitonality of the Options panel to smaller screen sizes
  • Incorporated better mobile styling on PostWrapper header and footer elements

    • On screen sizes smaller than 768px, reactions in the footer condense into a dropdown that appears on the press of a new "reactions" button.
    • Post dropdown options in the header are no longer missing on screen sizes smaller than 768px. Also made adjustments to better fit smaller screen sizes.


  • Posts now have timestamps displayed on them. It is now easier to see when someone posted

  • Inquire now detects when, upon initial sign-in, if the user account does not have a first or last name the webapp prompts the user to provide them

  • Added an alert to confirm post deletion before actually deleting

Minor Improvements

  • Improved content styling on the "Recents" page when viewing at screen sizes smaller than 1200px in width

  • Removed Debug logs from production

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where upon first sign in with a Google OAuth account, if the account does not have a family-name associated with it this results in an internal server error and the user cannot create an account nor login with that Google account

  • Fixed issues with user data displaying incorrectly on other user's profiles

  • Fixed "Bug" with image sizing in post content container