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Releases: 5-Bits-in-a-Byte/inquiremb

Inquire v1.1.0

09 Oct 03:57
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Inquire Fall 2021 Update 1

Patch Notes

Major Improvements

Mobile Styling

  • Improved styling of User Profile pages to better fit a variety of screen sizes

  • Improved Left side navigation bar

    • On screen width smaller than 768px, navbar is replaced with foldable navigation in order to free up screen realestate
  • Improved layout of "mobile" page styling on the main Course page, as well as other pages throughout the site

    • Added full funcitonality of the Options panel to smaller screen sizes
  • Incorporated better mobile styling on PostWrapper header and footer elements

    • On screen sizes smaller than 768px, reactions in the footer condense into a dropdown that appears on the press of a new "reactions" button.
    • Post dropdown options in the header are no longer missing on screen sizes smaller than 768px. Also made adjustments to better fit smaller screen sizes.


  • Posts now have timestamps displayed on them. It is now easier to see when someone posted

  • Inquire now detects when, upon initial sign-in, if the user account does not have a first or last name the webapp prompts the user to provide them

  • Added an alert to confirm post deletion before actually deleting

Minor Improvements

  • Improved content styling on the "Recents" page when viewing at screen sizes smaller than 1200px in width

  • Removed Debug logs from production

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where upon first sign in with a Google OAuth account, if the account does not have a family-name associated with it this results in an internal server error and the user cannot create an account nor login with that Google account

  • Fixed issues with user data displaying incorrectly on other user's profiles

  • Fixed "Bug" with image sizing in post content container

Inquire v1.0.0

06 Oct 20:02
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Marks the Start of Official use in a real classroom environment

The official 1.0.0 release of Inquire to be tested in a real world classroom environment. This release of Inquire is being used in two College Computer Science classes at the University of Oregon. One lower division course and one upper division.

Auto Generated Release Notes for this Release

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