Container image based on debian-slim with all management tools needed to test in-cluster network, dns and other quick and simple checks.
Tools installed:
- curl
- dnsutils
- iputils-ping
- vim
- traceroute
- iproute2
- wget2
- telnet
- postgresql-client
- mariadb-client
- tcpdump
- whois
When in shell bash prompt will show user@localIP
- myip
Will get you your outside public IP which is usefull when you are not sure if your k8s cluster goes through correct gateway etc.
[email protected] $ myip
You can just call it without getting into container shell as well:
kubectl run mgmt-pod --rm -i --tty --restart=Never --image zzorica/k8s-mgmt-pod:latest -- myip
- db_alive
Check if your mysql or postgresql db is alive. Need only type of db and its address. It will get you exit code 0 if db is alive (no matter that authentication failed for example) and 1|2 if not.
[email protected] $ db_alive mysql -h mariadb; echo $?
/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'mariadb' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: NO)'
It is quite usefull to use in kubernetes for service DB dependency with initContainers. Your pod|pods won't start until DB is ready:
- name: wait-for-db
image: zzorica/k8s-mgmt-pod:0.4
command: ["sh", "-c", "while ! db_alive mysql mariadb.namespace; do sleep 2; done"]
To quickly use container and jump into shell:
- docker
docker run -it --rm zzorica/k8s-mgmt-pod:latest
- kubernetes
kubectl run mgmt-pod --rm -i --tty --restart=Never --image zzorica/k8s-mgmt-pod:latest
After you exit the pod/container it will get deleted in both envs.