Server-side C# code used in the Neverwinter Nights Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic module.
Game: Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
This project contains the C# source code used on the Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server.
It serves as a replacement for NWScript and handles most server features and functions. This is possible by using the NWNX_DotNet plugin for NWNX.
Refer to the quick start guide below and be sure to post any issues on our forums. The link to the forums is above.
Visual Studio 2022:
Neverwinter Nights:
Fork this repo.
At command line:
git clone --recursive<your_username>/SWLOR_NWN.git
Run SWLOR_NWN/Module/PackModule.cmd to generate the Star Wars LOR v2.mod file.
Open SWLOR.Game.Server.sln with Visual Studio
Right click on SWLOR.Runner within Visual Studio and select "Set as Startup Project"
Click the green run button at the top of Visual Studio. Note that this will take a while the first time you do it.
'TLK does not exist' error:
This happens because you didn't clone with the --recursive command. Redo step 2.
'Type initializer for Ductus.FluentDocker.Extensions.CommandExtensions threw an exception' error:
You need to install docker.
'Missing required HAK file' error on login
Copy the files in the hak directory to your NWN play directory. Alternatively, edit nwn.ini to point to the debugserver/hak folder.
'Missing required TLK file' error on login
Copy the swlor2_tlk.tlk file in the tlk directory to your NWN play directory. Alternatively, edit nwn.ini to point to the debugserver/tlk folder.
'Unable to load module' error
Delete all docker containers and images, then delete all files in the debugserver/modules, debugserver/tlk, and debugserver/hak folders. Then rerun the application.
If you need help with anything related to Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic please feel free to contact us on our Discord here:
For NWNX and Docker related issues please look for help in the NWNX Discord channel here: