Simple acceptance test helpers for emails
- Find emails with optional criteria: recipient (to, cc, bcc), subject, body
- Click links in emails
Main methods are:
- returns the most recent email matching optional criteria
- raises NotFound when no matches
- optional criteria:
- to (email address)
- cc (email address)
- bcc (email address)
- subject (string: exact match; or regexp)
- follows first link matching optional argument
- in most recently found email or last sent email when no previous searches
- argument can be URL or link text
- argument can be string (exact match) or regexp
For example, to assert an email confirmation was sent and click the confirmation link:
find_email to:, subject: /confirm/i
click_email_link /confirm/i
See specs and features for more details.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'email_test_helpers', group: :test, require: false
Load it in your test library of choice, eg:
# features/support/email_test_helpers.rb
require 'email_test_helpers/cucumber'
# spec/support/email_test_helpers.rb
require 'email_test_helpers/rspec'
MIT Licence
(c) 2015 Zubin Henner