JTAG Versaloon firmware for the STM32 Bluepill board.
Just a matter of make -j
in the root folder if you have an ARM GCC toolchain installed on your computer. If you have docker, you can just run ./build.sh
, it will build the firmware for you.
The produced binaries are the following :
You can download the released firmware here: https://github.com/zoobab/versaloon/releases/tag/v1.0
You can use st-flash with an Stlinkv2 adapter:
st-flash write Versaloon-STM32F103C8_BluePill.bin 0x8000000
Or alternatively, use an USB-serial adaptor, using the same method as for the
DirtyJTAG project with the stm32flash
tool (see the section "Via a
USB-serial adaptor" in
https://github.com/jeanthom/DirtyJTAG/blob/master/docs/install-bluepill.md ):
$ stm32flash -w Versaloon-STM32F103C8_BluePill.bin -v -g 0x8000000 /dev/ttyUSB0
stm32flash 0.5
Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Interface serial_posix: 57600 8E1
Version : 0x22
Option 1 : 0x00
Option 2 : 0x00
Device ID : 0x0410 (STM32F10xxx Medium-density)
- RAM : 20KiB (512b reserved by bootloader)
- Flash : 128KiB (size first sector: 4x1024)
- Option RAM : 16b
- System RAM : 2KiB
Write to memory
Erasing memory
Wrote and verified address 0x0800d8ec (100.00%) Done.
Starting execution at address 0x08000000... done.
You can also do it via the docker container zoobab/stm32flash-docker
, or use the flash.sh
$ export DEVICE="/dev/ttyUSB0"
$ export FILE="Versaloon-STM32F103C8_BluePill.bin"
$ docker run --privileged -v $DEVICE:$DEVICE -v $PWD:/mnt zoobab/stm32flash-docker -w /mnt/$FILE -v -g 0x8000000 $DEVICE
stm32flash 0.5
Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Interface serial_posix: 57600 8E1
Version : 0x22
Option 1 : 0x00
Option 2 : 0x00
Device ID : 0x0410 (STM32F10xxx Medium-density)
- RAM : 20KiB (512b reserved by bootloader)
- Flash : 128KiB (size first sector: 4x1024)
- Option RAM : 16b
- System RAM : 2KiB
Write to memory
Erasing memory
Wrote and verified address 0x0800d8ec (100.00%) Done.
Starting execution at address 0x08000000... done.
ID 0483:a038 STMicroelectronics
/!\ This is not a Versaloon reserved VID/PID, disconnect any STM32 dev board from your computer before trying to use OpenOCD /!\
BluePill pin mapping is the same as MiniRelease1.h
Create somewhere a file called my_vsllink.cfg
with this content :
interface vsllink
vsllink_usb_vid 0x0483
vsllink_usb_pid 0x5740
adapter_khz 100
transport select jtag
Then you can launch OpenOCD with openocd -f my_vsllink.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
adapter speed: 100 kHz
Info : Versaloon(0x15)by Simon(compiled on Dec 20 2018)
Info : USB_TO_XXX abilities: 0x0000176E:0x010001EF:0xC0000007
Info : clock speed 100 kHz
Warn : There are no enabled taps. AUTO PROBING MIGHT NOT WORK!!
Info : JTAG tap: auto0.tap tap/device found: 0x44002093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x4002, ver: 0x4)
Warn : AUTO auto0.tap - use "jtag newtap auto0 tap -irlen 2 -expected-id 0x44002093"
Error: IR capture error at bit 2, saw 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFF5 not 0x...3
Warn : Bypassing JTAG setup events due to errors
Warn : gdb services need one or more targets defined
If you get the Error: Can't find USB JTAG Interface!Please check connection and permissions.
error message, you may try to run OpenOCD as sudo.
- Does not build under ubuntu 16.04: https://github.com/zoobab/versaloon/commit/83dfb9bb8b72a99d491f8e34930afa46ff94adde
- Try it out on a discovery board: http://takenapart.com/?p=82
- Try it out on a maple board
- Try it out on a blackpill board
- Add some wiring/fritzing documention with some MIPS targets
- Make it work with urjtag, right now it trows an error for "jtag> cable vsllink error: Couldn't connect to suitable USB device. error: not found: no USB connections"
- Similar firmware: https://github.com/x893/CMSIS-DAP
- Alan Acassis, Getting STLink with Versalon firmware working with OpenOCD: https://acassis.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/getting-stlink-with-versalon-firmware-working-with-openocd/
- stm32flash docker container: https://hub.docker.com/r/zoobab/stm32flash-docker
- Hackaday: Versaloon ported to stm8 and stm32 discovery boards: https://hackaday.com/2011/02/06/versaloon-ported-to-stm8-and-stm32-discovery-boards/
- Versaloon JTAG on a Canon S100: https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=13408.0
- OpenWRT forum: TP-Link Archer C7 v1/v2 JTAG u-boot recovery using ST-Link v2 USB adapter clone known as Baite: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/tp-link-archer-c7-v1-v2-jtag-u-boot-recovery-using-st-link-v2-usb-adapter-clone-known-as-baite/39582/2