Plugin for Err to convert various measurements and metrics.
This plugin supports both Python 2 and 3. See requirements.txt for further requirements.
Give your bot the command !repos install
This plugin provides the !convert command to run conversions:
>> !convert 20 celsius to fahrenheit 20 degC = 68 degF >> !convert 1 meter to feet 1 meter = 3.28084 foot >> !convert 75 miles/hour to kilometers/hour 75 mile / hour = 120.701 kilometer / hour >> !convert 180 degrees to radians 180 degree = 3.14159 radian
(Refer to the documentation for Pint to see all the values that are understood.)
Addiontally, it automatically listens to certain keywords/phrases spoken during conversation to run conversions automatically. At the moment, this only works for temperature conversions:
>> It's 30 degrees Celsius today. 30 degC = 86 degF >> It's 30 degrees C today. 30 degC = 86 degF >> It's 30 Celsius today. 30 degC = 86 degF
The MIT License. See the file LICENSE for more details.