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Repository files navigation


installnya go install .


ini aritnya dia generate folder example

protoc -I grpc/example example.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:example --gofullmethods_out=example --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:grpc/example -I$GOPATH/src/

protoc -I grpc/example example.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:grpc/example --generator_out=grpc/example --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:grpc/example -I$GOPATH/src/


ada convention name jadi ... nama foldernya harus protoc-gen- {nama-folder-kt} supaya kebaca sama protoc-gen library ]. nah syarat lainnya harus di install

klao mau uninstall

go clean -i

liat servicenya

ls $GOPATH/bin/protoc-gen-generator

protoc -I grpc/example example.proto

  • type data bool (done)

  • tambahin field typedata go: disesuaikan (done)

  • bikin message option tablename: isinya nama table

  • bkin model

  • bikin repository

  • Bikin handler to isinya function sm return default

  • bikin main.go

  • master repository (done)

  • handler + validator (done)

  • grpc validator (done)

  • aggregator + udh nembak ke repo

  • generate config (done)

  • generate env (done)

  • generate yaml (done)

  • generate main

{{- if $method.IsAgregator}}

{{- if eq $method.AgregatorFunction "Create"}} res, err := svc.repo.{{ ucfirst AgregatorMessage.Name }}.Create() {{- end}}

{{- range $agr := $method.AgregatorMessage.Fields }} {{- end}}

{{- end}}

env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -v ./ env GOOS=windows GOARCH=arm go build -v ./ sangkuriangV2 grpc/proto/simple simple grpc/pb/simple

copy file to go/bin

create in your bash profile

sangkuriang() { protoc -I $1 $2.proto --generator_out=$3 -I$GOPATH/src/ --go_out=plugins=grpc:$3 --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:$3 dep ensure -v echo "files has been generate" }

how to generate

  • add folder proto in folder grpc/proto/simple
  • files name simple.proto
syntax = "proto3";

option go_package = "simple";
package simple;

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
    string httpMode = 50056;
    string agregator = 50062;
    string testCAse = 50063;

extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
    bool isRepo = 50057;

extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
    bool ignoreFieldDb = 50058;
    bool isPrimaryKey = 50059;
    bool required = 50060;
    string required_type = 50061;

service simple {
    rpc HelloWorld(google.protobuf.Empty) returns(HelloWorldMessage) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            get: "/v1/example/echo"
        option(httpMode) = "get";
        option(testCAse) = "test-api-payment";

    rpc HelloWorldGetWithParam(Test) returns(HelloWorldMessage) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            get: "/v1/example/echo"

    rpc HelloTest(Test) returns(HelloWorldMessage) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            post: "/v1/example/echo",
            body: '*'
        option(httpMode) = "post";
    rpc HelloBring(HelloWorldMessage) returns(HelloWorldMessage) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            delete: "/v1/example/echo"
        option(httpMode) = "delete";
        option(agregator) = "HelloWorldMessage.Create";

message HelloWorldMessage {
    option (isRepo) = true;
    string name = 1 [(isPrimaryKey) = true, (required) = true, (required_type) ="min_max*5.10"];
    string message = 2 [(required) = true, (required_type) ="not_empty_string"];
    repeated Test test = 3 [(ignoreFieldDb) = true];
    Single single = 4;
    string email = 5 [(required) = true, (required_type) ="email"];

message Test {
    string data_test = 1 [(isPrimaryKey) = true];
    int64 numbers_data = 2;
    bool ex_bool = 3;
    option (isRepo) = true;

enum TType {
    CREATE = 0;
    UPDATE = 1;
    DELETE = 2;

message Single {
    string who = 1;
    TType ttypes = 2; 
  • run this command sangkuriang grpc/proto/simple simple grpc/pb/simple
  • boooommmmmm
{{- range $field := $method.InputMessage.Fields }}
{{- if $field.RequiredOption}}
	if err := core.Validate("{{ $field.RequiredType }}", in.{{ ucfirst $field.Name }}, "{{ ucfirst $field.Name }}"); err != nil {
		return &pb.{{ ucfirst $method.Output }}{}, err
{{- end}}
{{- end}}

repo backup
func (repo *{{ ucfirst $msg.Name }}Repository) Update({{ ucdown $msg.PrimaryKeyName }} {{ $msg.PrimaryKeyType }}, payload *model.{{ ucfirst $msg.Name }}) (*model.{{ ucfirst $msg.Name }}, error) {
	err := repo.db.Model(&model.{{ ucfirst $msg.Name }}{{unescape "{"}}{{ $msg.PrimaryKeyName }}: {{ ucdown $msg.PrimaryKeyName }}{{unescape "}"}}).Update(payload).Error

	return payload, err

func (repo *{{ ucfirst $msg.Name }}Repository) Delete({{ ucdown $msg.PrimaryKeyName }} {{ $msg.PrimaryKeyType }}) error {
	err := repo.db.Delete(model.{{ ucfirst $msg.Name }}{{unescape "{"}}{{unescape "}"}}, "{{ underscore $msg.PrimaryKeyName }} = ?", {{ ucdown $msg.PrimaryKeyName }}).Error

	return err

Delete({{ $msg.PrimaryKeyName }} {{ $msg.PrimaryKeyType }}) error

GetBy{{ $msg.PrimaryKeyName }}({{ $msg.PrimaryKeyName }} {{ $msg.PrimaryKeyType }}) *model.{{ ucfirst $msg.Name }}

generate option

protoc --go_out=. proto/options.proto

notes for using decorator

// Query count queryCount := r.db.Select("count(id) count").Model(Price{}) decorCount := decorator.NewServiceDecorator(queryCount, q) queryCount, _ = decorCount.AppendWhere() if err = queryCount.Count(&pagingResp.Total).Error; err != nil { return nil, nil, err }


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