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Exposing C++ Classes into R Through Rcpp Modules

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The RcppStudent R package provides an example of using Rcpp Modules to expose C++ classes and their methods to R.

Code for this example is based off a question that arose on StackOverflow titled "Expose simple C++ Student class to R using Rcpp modules" by Ben Gorman.


To install the package, you must first have a compiler on your system that is compatible with R. For help on obtaining a compiler consult either macOS or Windows guides.

With a compiler in hand, one can then install the package from GitHub by:

# install.packages("devtools")

Implementation Details

This guide focuses on providing an implementation along the path suggested in Rcpp Modules Section 2.2: Exposing C++ classes using Rcpp modules. In particular, the focus is to expose a pure C++ class inside of R without modifying the underlying C++ class. Largely, this means that the C++ class must be "marked up" for export using RCPP_MODULE( ... ) macro in a separate file.

├── DESCRIPTION                  # Package metadata
├── NAMESPACE                    # Function and dependency registration
├── R
│   ├── RcppExports.R
│   ├── student-exports.R        # Exporting Rcpp Module's Student into R
│   └── student-pkg.R            # NAMESPACE Import Code for Rcpp Modules
├──                    # Implementation Overview
├── RcppStudent.Rproj
├── man
│   ├── RcppStudent-package.Rd
│   └── Student.Rd
└── src
    ├── Makevars                 # Enable C++11
    ├── RcppExports.cpp
    ├── student.cpp              # Class Implementation
    ├── student.h                # Class Definition
    ├── student_export.cpp       # Exporting the C++ Class with RCPP_MODULE
    └── student_non_modules.cpp  # Example with Rcpp Attributes

C++ Class Definition

Inside of src/student.h, the definition of the C++ class is written with an inclusion guard. The definition is a "bare-bones" overview of what to expect. The meat or the implementation of the class is given in the src/student.cpp file.

//  Student.h

#ifndef Student_H
#define Student_H

#include <string>
#include <vector>

class Student

  // Constructor
  Student(std::string name, int age, bool male);

  // Getters
  std::string GetName();
  int GetAge();
  bool IsMale();
  std::vector<int> GetFavoriteNumbers();

  // Methods
  bool LikesBlue();


  // Member variables
  std::string name;
  int age;
  bool male;
  std::vector<int> favoriteNumbers;

#endif /* Student_H */

C++ Class Implementation

In src/student.cpp, the meat behind the C++ class is implemented. The "meat" emphasizes how different methods within the class should behave. By

//  Student.cpp

#include "student.h"

// Constructor
Student::Student(std::string name, int age, bool male) {
  this->name = name;
  this->age = age;
  this->male = male;
  this->favoriteNumbers = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}; // Requires C++11

// Getters
bool Student::IsMale() { return male; }
int Student::GetAge() { return age; }
std::string Student::GetName() { return name; }
std::vector<int> Student::GetFavoriteNumbers() { return favoriteNumbers; }

// Methods
bool Student::LikesBlue() {
  return (male || age >= 10);

Writing the Glue

With the class definition and implementation in hand, the task switches to exposing the definition into R by creating src/student_export.cpp. Within this file, the Rcpp Module is defined using the RCPP_MODULE( ... ) macro. Through the macro, the class' information must be specified using different member functions of Rcpp::class_. A subset of these member functions is given next:

  • Constructor:
    • .constructor<PARAMTYPE1, PARAMTYPE2>()
      • Exposes a constructor with recognizable C++ data types.
      • e.g. double, int, std::string, and so on.
  • Methods:
    • .method("FunctionName", &ClassName::FunctionName)
      • Exposes a class method from ClassName given by FunctionName.
    • .property("VariableName", &ClassName::GetFunction, &ClassName::SetFunction )
      • Indirect access to a Class' fields through getter and setter functions.
  • Fields:
    • .field("VariableName", &ClassName::VariableName, "documentation for VariableName")
      • Exposes a public field with read and write access from R
    • .field_readonly("VariableName", &Foo::VariableName, "documentation for VariableName read only")
      • Exposes a public field with read access from R
// student_export.cpp

// Include Rcpp system header file (e.g. <>)
#include <Rcpp.h>

// Include our definition of the student file (e.g. "")
#include "student.h"

// Expose (some of) the Student class
RCPP_MODULE(RcppStudentEx) {             // Name used to "loadModule" in R script
  Rcpp::class_<Student>("Student")       // This must be the C++ class name.
  .constructor<std::string, int, bool>()
  .method("GetName", &Student::GetName)
  .method("GetAge", &Student::GetAge)
  .method("IsMale", &Student::IsMale)
  .method("GetFavoriteNumbers", &Student::GetFavoriteNumbers)
  .method("LikesBlue", &Student::LikesBlue);

Exporting and documenting an Rcpp Module

In the R/student-exports.R file, write the load statement for the module exposed via the RCPP_MODULE( ... ) macro. In addition, make sure to export the class name so that when the package is loaded anyone can access it via new().

# Export the "Student" C++ class by explicitly requesting Student be
# exported via roxygen2's export tag.
#' @export Student

loadModule(module = "RcppStudentEx", TRUE)

Package Structure

To register the required components for Rcpp Modules, the NAMESPACE file must be populated with imports for Rcpp and the methods R packages. In addition, the package's dynamic library must be specified as well.

There are two ways to go about this:

  1. Let roxygen2 automatically generate the NAMESPACE file; or
  2. Manually specify in the NAMESPACE file.

The roxygen2 markup required can be found in R/student-pkg.R.

#' @useDynLib RcppStudent, .registration = TRUE
#' @import methods Rcpp

Once the above is run during the documentation generation phase, the NAMESPACE file will be created with:

# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

useDynLib(RcppStudent, .registration = TRUE)

Make sure to build and reload the package prior to accessing methods.

Calling an Rcpp Module in R

At this point, everything boils down to constructing an object from the class using new() from the methods package. The new() function initializes a C++ object from the specified C++ class and treats it like a traditional S4 object.

## Constructor

# Construct new Student object called "ben"
ben = new(Student, name = "Ben", age = 26, male = TRUE)

## Getters

# [1] TRUE

# [1] 26

# [1] TRUE

# [1] "Ben"

# [1]  2  3  5  7 11


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