Eternal Darkness, created with C++, OpenGL, imgui, Bullet3, IXAudio2
Tech Stack: Postprocessing, skybox, multiple lighting, 3D mesh rendering, text rendering, fbx model importing, sound queue, resource management, scene management, event queue, debug draw, tweening, particle system, camera work, JSON file save/load
Note: In order to build the project on your machine correctly, you probably would have to retarget the solution to the SDK version that's installed on your machine.
"Esc" to go back to last scene.
- Up/Down to navigate between menu items.
- Space to select.
- Left/Right to toggle.
- WASD to move.
- 'I' to open inventory.
- 'O' to open in-game menu.
- 'P' to open imGui window.
Game rules/Physics
- Hunger system
- Collect things (pick up, small blue cubes are apples, green cubes are mushrooms), Break stuff (trees are breakable), both inherited from Interactable, using raycast to detect them within a certain reach.
- bullet physic engine two feature: Two Point Two Constraint, Ray Test
- Joints (bridge)
- Player character only moves to the direction of the camera.
- Audio queues
- Looping sounds
- One-time sounds
Saved game
- Saves survived time
- Saves volume
- Automatically saves while closing game.
Scene management
- HUD will be drawn with game scene.
- Total of 7 scenes working, dead scene not working~ will break for some reason, didn't put it in.
- Menu items
- FPS counter
- Mouse control(turn camera around)
- Inventory part 1 (logic)
- Randomly generated world
- Interactable things (nice hierarchy: GameObject->Interactable->Pickup/Breakable->Concrete Pickups/Breakables) using raytest
Rendering to a texture
- Add fog effect.
- Rendering to a texture for each scene, so postprocessing won't affect scenes other than game scenes
- Text rendering
- Particles
- debug draw set up, but not done
- Inventory part 2 (displaying apple and mushroom upon picking up)
ImGui - testing the poisonous condition, below is a demonstration of using imgui: