A collection of Cucumber step definitions to comfortably define API mocks and expectations inline with Gherkin.
Based on chimp and therefore Webdriver. Loads a modified version of xhr-mock into the browser to intercept XMLHttpRequests. The Steps let you define API call expectations and mocked responses for the wepapp.
# The XMLHttpRequest and Response Mocks are
# injected into the browser context. Every
# call now gets intercepted,logged and answered
# if a proper response is defined.
And I start mocking "http://localhost:8000"
# An API request is triggered via the ui
When I input "My fancy new Todo" into the Todo Input
And I press Return
# Expected API behavior can be defined after the request
Then a "post" to "/api/todos" should have happened with:
"title": "My fancy new Todo",
"completed": false
# API mocks can also be defined after the request was made
# a loop waits 5 secs before a timeout is triggered.
Given the API responds to the "post" on "/api/todos" with "201":
"id": 5701886678138880,
"title": "My fancy new Todo",
"completed": false
# When we made sure, the app makes the right api calls
# and provide it with backend feedback we can go on
# testing the ui.
Then an active Todo "My fancy new Todo" should be visible
See features/
for more usage examples.
$ npm install --save-dev cucumberjs-json-api-mocking
To use the steps defined in lib/api_mock_steps.js
run the functions in the context of one of your own step definition files like this:
var json_api = require('cucumberjs-json-api-mocking');
module.exports = function() {
// your own step definitions here ..
To run the test suite:
# make sure chromium (firefox / phantomjs are untested)
# is installed
$ npm install -g chimp
$ npm install
$ chimp
- jameslnewell/xhr-mock -
is a modified version of this XHRRequest Mocking Lib