Auto generater target markdowns with use of easy template and variable. Good to use with Gatsby or other markdown to html generater.
- Product Documentation Engineer;
- Font-end developers who needs markdown transformer
- Target file auto generate when origin file change;
- Varible, custom fragments and templates are supported;
- Path of origin and target is configurable;
- Files or directories to ignore is configurable;
- Add custom transform rule is supported;
- Easy to use for Non-technical User
try Demo Repo directely
Defined in Variables.json or on the top of markdown, can be used in markdownfile, fragments and templates.
// variabeFile (doc_from/en/Variables.json)
// origin docFile (doc_from/en/
### This is {{}};
### Visit {{}} for more details;
// turn to target(doc_to/en/
### This is md2md;
### Visit for more details;
Defined in fragments directory. Fragment let you split the markdown into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation. you can use fragment in fragment.
// root variableFile (doc_from/en/Variables.json)
"email":"[email protected]"
// fragment file (doc_from/en/fragments/
RepoName: {{}}
github: {{var.github}}
Auth: {{}}
Email: {{}}
// child variableFile (doc_from/en/md2md/Variables.json)
// origin docFile (doc_from/en/md2md/
## belows are custom info
## !@#$%^&*()......
// turn to target (doc_to/en/md2md/
RepoName: md2md
Auth: talentAN
## belows are custom info
## !@#$%^&*()......
Defined in templates directory. Template is used to generate markdown file from json file directely;
// templateFile (doc_from/en/templates/
the name is : {{}};
the keyWords is : {{var.keyWords}}
num of weeklyDownoad : {{var.weeklyDownoad}}
// origin jsonFile (doc_from/en/md2md/introduction.json)
"keyWords":["markdown", "converter", "easy use"],
// turn to target (doc_to/en/md2md/
the name is : md2md;
the keyWords is : ["markdown", "converter", "easy use"]
num of weeklyDownoad : 500
Defined in normal markdown file, turn to special HTML element later;
// tabFile1 (doc_from/en/tabs/
label: centOS
order: 0
group: system
label: tab处理后展示的文字
order: tab展示顺序
group: tab分组, 如果没有分组会展示当前文件同级目录下所有tab, 如果有分组,只展示当前文件同级目录下相同分组的tab
// tabFile1 (doc_from/en/tabs/
label: ubuntu
order: 1
group: system
icon: tab-cpu
// turn to target (doc_to/en/tabs/
label: tab处理后展示的文字
order: tab展示顺序
group: tab分组, 如果没有分组会展示当前文件同级目录下所有tab, 如果有分组,只展示当前文件同级目录下相同分组的tab
icon: tab icon
<div class="tab-wrapper"><a href="/doc_to/en/tabs/" class='active'>centOS</a><a href="/doc_to/en/test-tab/" >ubuntu</a></div>
// turn to target (doc_to/en/tabs/
<div class="tab-wrapper"><a href="/doc_to/en/tabs/">centOS</a><a href="/doc_to/en/test-tab/" class='active' >ubuntu</a></div>
Defined in normal markdown file, turn to special HTML element later;
// tabFile1 (doc_from/en/
this is normal markdownfile. {{milvus::glossary.milvus.introduce}}
// turn to target (doc_to/en/
this is normal markdownfile. <span class="tip" data-tip="Milvus is easy-to-use, highly reliable, scalable, robust, and blazing fast.">milvus</span>
Assets/images/about-1.jpg is where you store your image. And this plugin will help to find path.relative(doc_path,image_path) and replace the target.
## Catalog
├── root_dir
│ ├── doc_from
│ │ ├── en
│ │ ├── zh-CN
│ │ │── ......
│ ├── doc_to
│ ├── m2m.config.js
- doc_from: where you edit your origin doc files in. it's First-level subdirectory must be language;
- doc_to: the final doc file you need will be here; the level of subdirectory will be same as doc_from. you don't need to edit this directory.
- m2m.config.js : config to set for markdown transfer. use the default is just fine ~
├── en
│ ├── fragments
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── templates
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── Variables.json
│ ├── Glossary.json
│ ├── [doc directories]
│ ├── ...
│ ├── [doc files]
│ ├── ...
const {
} = require("md2md");
// watch directory configed in m2m.config.js.
const watcher_dir = setDirWatcher();
// watch special file
const watcher_file = setFileWatcher(absolute_path);
// clearWatcher
// get transfered markdownFile from markdown
const target_md = markdownToString(path_from);
// get transfered markdownFile from json file use template
const target_json = templateToString(path_from);
// register your own rule like var and fragment
register(key, fn);
* key is the mark you use as {{key}} to mark the position in markdown file
* fn: (content, path_from)=> target
* @param {String} content: the content converted by default rules
* @param {String} path_from: the absolute path of original file, offen used to get variables and fragments
* @return {string} target: the final content converted by custom rules
A: We've tried about that. But the gramma of each language might be different, which can lead to the postions of variables to be a total mess. Consider that, we think each language has its own fragments folder and template folder is better.
- refactor tabs => support show special tabs by different group
- support move other files
- Support both Linux and Windows file path
- fix error when watch file
- rename Tips.json => Glosssary.json
- support tip in markdown
- rename
- fragment => fragments
- template => templates
- variable.json => Variables.json
- support config name_dir_from in process.env
// before require md2md, run:
process.env.name_dir_from = "your name of origin dir";
- add bin goover and md2md
- support register custom rule
- bugfix
- filter Variables.json
- invalid type when convert template
- Add api templateToString
- Support parse variables in markdown file. You should use variables in key-value format.
// origin docFile (doc_from/en/
name: Tom
age: 11
### This is {{}}, his age is {{var.age}};
// target docFile (doc_from/en/
name: Tom
age: 11
### This is Tom, his age is 11;