A simple offline Bible verse selector for formatting and copying to the clipboard.
Make sure that you have Python
and pip
installed first.
pip install PySide6
python GUI.py
For copyright reasons, this tool only comes with two versions : KJV 1850 revision and LSG 1910, both in public domain. Feel free to add versions yourself.
The Bible format used is a minimalist XML format Beblia, and you can download hundreds of versions in their repository. However, there are errors in their files, and to make sure that you have the correct version of Bible without missing words, I highly recommand you to download Bibles in other formats and use BibleMultiConverter to convert them to BebliaXML
format. I choose to downloaded MyBible modules using MyBibleZoneListDownloader
tool from BibleMultiConverter
. There were some minor issues with the conversion process that are solved manually.
After you have your BebliaXML
files, put them in ./bible/language/
, re-run the Python script and they should show up in the menu.
By default this selector supports English, French, and Chinese. If you use Chinese Bibles, you can do pip install pypinyin
, and uncomment import pypinyin
and the code in ExtendedQSortFilterProxyModel
, to allow auto-complete with full pinyin and first letters of pinyin.
To add a language, create a folder in ./bible/
named with the language code. Then you have to modify the source code of GUI.py
and Selector.py
to add the book names and their abbreviations, as they are hard-coded.