This repository contains all the projects and labs from the Udacity AI nanodgree program done by me. The intention of this repository is to act as a personal project placeholder for future references.
The following is a list of abstracts on all the projects.
A project that builds a Soduku solver that can automatically solve Soduku. It also has a very nice visualization of the process.
A project that develops an adversarial search agent to play the game "Isolation". Isolation is a deterministic, two-player game of perfect information in which the players alternate turns moving a single piece from one cell to another on a board. Whenever either player occupies a cell, that cell becomes blocked for the remainder of the game. The first player with no remaining legal moves loses, and the opponent is declared the winner.
A project that solves deterministic logistics planning problems for an Air Cargo transport system using a planning search agent. With progression search algorithms like those in the navigation problem from lecture, optimal plans for each problem will be computed. Also, domain-independent heuristics are used.
A project that builds a sign langurage recognizer that can recognize American Sign Langurages.
A project that builds a dog breed identifier using CNN. The identifier also detects human faces and match them with the closest breed of dogs.
A project that builds a text generator using RNN. The generator will first be trained with all Sherlock Holmes novels and generates new novels pieces.
A project that combines all the knowledge of computer vision techniques and deep learning to build and end-to-end facial keypoint recognition system.