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Fortran implementation of unit test library based on OOP

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Fortran Unit Test Library

Unit test is a way of testing a program unit which can be isolated from the entire sofeware program. Most programming languages (like C++, Python) have had their own unit test framework already, though Fortran doesn't have such a library widely used by the community. Fortran_UnitTest is an attempt to implement a pure Fortran library using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It is strongly inspired by Zofu, and its output format is derived from fortran-unit-test. It, however, is totally a different library for its easy use which will be shown later. In this repository, all the operations are encapsulated in a Fortran class unittest_t, so it is very easily distinguished from functions or subroutines of the library to be tested.

Hopefully Fortran_UnitTest will be able to provide a good alternative for unit test in Fortran.

Getting started

Get the code

git clone
cd Fortran_UnitTest
git submodule init && git submodule update


To build the Fortran_UnitTest library you need

  • Fortran 2008-compatible compiler
  • CMake version 3.12 or newer

The build system has been tested on MacOS and Linux using the Intel Fortran Compiler 2021.2.0 and gfortran 7.5.0.

Build with CMake

Configure the build with

cmake -B build

You can pass additional options to CMake to customize the build. Important options are

  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is used to provide the install location for the library.
  • -DBUILD_TESTING set to on in case you want to generate a test executable against the library (by default: off).

For example, to configure a build using gfortran and create the test executable use

FC=gfortran cmake -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your/library/path -DBUILD_TESTING=on

To build the library run

cmake --build build

To test your build, run the test executable under the build directory once the build has finished with


To install the project to the declared prefix run

cmake --install build

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To make use this library use the unittest module in your projects. Include a use unittest statement then a derived Fortran type unittest_t is available. A unit test object may then be declared. An example usage is shown below:

  use unittest, only : unittest_t
  type(unittest_t) :: test
  call test%init()
  call test%start_case()
  call test%assert_true(2>1, __FILE__, __LINE__)
  call test%assert_false(1<2, __FILE__, __LINE__)
  call test%assert_equal(1, 1, __FILE__, __LINE__)
  call test%assert_equal(1.1, 1.1, __FILE__, __LINE__)
  call test%assert_equal('abc', 'abcd', __FILE__, __LINE__)
  call test%assert_equal(.true., .true., __FILE__, __LINE__)
  call test%end_case()
  call test%summary()

Also a complete example program is contained under the test subdirectory.

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Output from Fortran_UnitTest

The output form is very like that of fortran-unit-test. The only difference is that the result of each single assertion is outputed immediately once it is completed in this repo, thus the summary of all assertions in one case is given at the end of the case. An example of output would look like this:

/////////////////////////// Report of Suite: suite1 /////////////////////////////

 +-> Details:
 |   |
 |   +-> case case1:
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #1 succeed!
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #2 failed with reason: expected (True) is False
 |   |   +-> Check line: test_unittest.F90:10
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #3 succeed!
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #4 failed with reason: expected (1) = actual (2)
 |   |   +-> Check line: test_unittest.F90:12
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #5 succeed!
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #6 failed with reason: expected (1.100000) = actual (1.200000)
 |   |   +-> Check line: test_unittest.F90:14
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #7 succeed!
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #8 failed with reason: expected (abc) = actual (abcd)
 |   |   +-> Check line: test_unittest.F90:16
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #9 succeed!
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #10 failed with reason: expected (True) = actual (False)
 |   |   +-> Check line: test_unittest.F90:18
 |   |   |
 |   +-> case1: 5 of 10 assertions succeed.
 |   |
 |   +-> case case2:
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #1 failed with reason: expected (True) is False
 |   |   +-> Check line: test_unittest.F90:21
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-> Assertion #2 failed with reason: expected (False) is True
 |   |   +-> Check line: test_unittest.F90:22
 |   |   |
 |   +-> case2: 0 of 2 assertions succeed.
 |   |
 +-> Summary:
 |   +-> suite1:  5 of 12 assertions succeed.
 |   +-> suite1:  0 of 2 cases succeed.


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Using Fortran_UnitTest in your project

The Fortran_UnitTest project exports CMake package files to make it usable for other projects. The package files are located in the library directory in the installation prefix.

To build your own project which requires Fortran_UnitTest library, you can find a local installation in your CMakeLists.txt with

find_package(fortran_unittest REQUIRED)

To make the installed library discoverable add the Fortran_UnitTest directory to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. For bash:

export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=your/library/path:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

For csh:

setenv CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH your/library/path:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

The usual install location of the package files is $PREFIX/lib/cmake/fortran_unittest.

You could, alternatively, specify the install location when configure your project by:

fortran_unittest_DIR=your/library/path cmake -B build [other options]

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Fortran implementation of unit test library based on OOP






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