This is the code for the 879 Project for the group consisting of Zhanna Kaufman, Sylee Dandekar and Hasnain Heickal
This directory contains 2 subdirectories - Java and Python.
These contain the files which the students were given through moodle for the Java and Python gradescope assignments, respectively.
Each subdirectory contains a Problem Description file, an example input file (the autograders use a far larger one) and a template file.
The template files initialize required imports, function names and output types.
This is important as it allows students to focus on the problem rather than making sure the autograder can run their fuctions or parse their output correctly.
This directory contains 2 files - and
These are the expected solutions to the problem, which pass all test cases in the autograder
This is the python autograder, which was zipped and uploaded to gradescope for the python version of the assignment.
For the python autograder to work locally, make sure to add the solution file into the python_autograder directory.
When uploading to gradescope, make sure to zip so that the zip file is called autograder and all files and directories in python_autograder are at its root.
The Python Autograder was built off of
This is the java autograder, which was zipped and uploaded to gradescope for the python version of the assignment.
For the java autograder to work locally, make sure to add the solution file into the java_autograder/src/main/java/mountainclimbing directory.
Also, in the java_autograder/run_autograder file, comment out lines 3, 8 and 14, and uncomment line 15.
The Java Autograder was built off of