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Juan Luis Gamero edited this page Dec 15, 2014 · 30 revisions

WARNING This is a sandbox personal project. It is incomplete / work in progress and not ready for public use.


The aim of this project is to create some kind of documentation for the Harbour Languaje. There is already a lot of documentation of the Clipper languaje that can be directly used with Harbour as it is backward compatible with Clipper. But Harbour has a lot of new functions, extensions and features not yet clearly documented from a new user POV.

Specifically this wiki will try to be a basic reference to the new functions that can be used at the PRG level (identificable with the HB_ prefix).

It has been made from information obtained reading the ChangeLog entries, posts in the mailing-lists, looking at the source files, etc.


WARNING This is a sandbox personal project. It is incomplete / work in progress and not ready for public use.

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