This is a redmine plugin for supporting Markdown as a wiki format. This plugin use Redcarpet which is GitHub's markdown wiki formatter. Redcarpet is extreme fast and compatible GitHub's Wiki. They are advantage from Redmine Markdown Formatter and Redmine Markdown Extra Formatter. This code is originally Redmine Markdown Formatter and Redmine reStructuredtext Formatter. I appreciate these guys.
Redmine is a flexible project management web application. See the official site for more details.
(from Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).
- Redmine 1.x, Remine 2.x
- Redcarpetr >= 2.0.0b5 - see
Install Redcarpet gem. Redcarpet version should be 2.0.0b5 or later.
$ sudo gem install --version 2.0.0b5 redcarpet
Clone and checkout plugin
$ git clone
$ git tag
v1.1.1 // for Redmine 1.x
v2.0.1 // for Redmine 2.x
v1.x.x series is for Redmine 1.x. v2.x.x series is for Redmine 2.x. Please Checkout your version. This example is for Redmine 2.x:
$ git checkout v2.0.0
- Copy the redmine_redcarpet_formatter directory into
- vendor/plugins directory (for Redmine 1.x)
- plugins/ directory (for Redmine 2.x)
- Restart Redmine.
- Installed plugins are listed on 'Admin -> Information' screen.
- Config Wiki engine for 'markdown' on 'Admin -> Settings -> Text formatting' screen.
source: link is broken with original redcarpet gem. Our fork resolved this problem. Install the fork:
# git clone # cd redcarpet # rake install
- Hiroyuki MORITA (Thanks for multi section edit)
- mikoto20000 ( develop redmine_redcarpet_formatter
- Yuki Sonoda ( did the real work by creating the redmine_rd_formatter
- Larry Baltz ( did develop redmine_markdown_formatter
- william melody( develop redmine_restrucutedtext_formatter
Fork away and create a Github Issue. Pull requests are welcome.