An arduino robot built for NYCU ME 2024 mechanical practice course. It is a car-like robot that consists of a four wheel drive system and a 2 DOF robotic arm. The robot is running on FreeRTOS and controlled by smartphone via bluetooth.
It is recommended to use the docker image to compile the code, you can also use the platformio extension in vscode.
For docker user, you can use the following commands:
To build the docker image
make install
To build the code and upload to the arduino
To compile the code only
make build
To upload the code to the arduino only
make upload
To attach the docker container
make attach
To remove the docker container and the build files
make clean
To remove the docker image
make uninstall
My teammate @joshua0501 is responsible for the mechanical design and the assembly of the robot.
The robot consists of the following parts:
- 1x Arduino Mega 2560
- 1x HC-05 Bluetooth Module
- 4x CHR-GM37 Motor with Encoder
- 2x RDS3235 35kg Servo
- 2x L298N Motor Driver
- 6x 18650 Battery
- 2x 18650 Battery Holder
- 2x Laser cutting aluminum plate
Assembly drawing of the robot
The robot and the competition field
My teammate @lulumy1015
is responsible for the schematic design. The schematic is shown below.
My teammate @dragonwu0919 is responsible for the bluetooth communication and the remote controller UI design.
The remote control program includes vehicle movement, arm control, and speed control. Steering involves clockwise/counterclockwise rotation for precise control. Arm functions include resetting, positioning, taking, and dropping ping pong balls. Speed settings help with alignment. Signals are periodically transmitted for movement and initiated by button press for arm control. This periodic transmission is managed by a timer, triggering Bluetooth transmission and countdown cycles.
To control multiple motors and servos with different speeds, although we can use the millis()
function to arrange the
timing, it is not efficient for coding and it is hard to maintain when there are more and more motors and servos.
Therefore, we need something manage to multitasking. FreeRTOS is a good choice for this situation.
FreeRTOS is a real-time operating system kernel for embedded devices. Users create tasks, which are functions that run in an infinite loop. The kernel schedules the tasks based on their priority. The kernel also provides synchronization primitives, such as semaphores and mutex. In this project, we create three tasks in total for the bluetooth, the base sevo and the upper servo. Note that we didn't create a task for the wheels because it is includes in the bluetooth task.
For more information about FreeRTOS, visit the official website.
flowchart TD;
A[Initial Serial port] --> B[Connect bluetooth];
B --> C;
C --> D;
D --> E[Connect bluetooth];
subgraph C[Connect plate]
F[Connect FR wheel ]--> G[Connect FL wheel];
G--> H[Connect BR wheel];
H--> I[Connect BL wheel];
subgraph D[Connect arm]
J[Connect base servo]--> K[Create freeRTOS task for base servo];
K--> L[Connect upper servo];
L--> M[Create freeRTOS task for upper servo];
flowchart TD;
B[Check timeout];
C[Read bluetooth command];
B --> C;
C --> B;
subgraph B[Check timeout]
E[Get time value and flag from plate] --> ifPlate[If the plate idle reach timeout?];
ifPlate-->|Yes| F[Stop the plate];
ifPlate -->|No| G[Do nothing];
H[Get time value and flag from arm] --> ifArm[If the arm idle reach timeout?];
ifArm -->|Yes| I[Freeze the arm];
ifArm -->|No| J[Do nothing];
subgraph C[Process command]
K[Read bluetooth command];
K --> L[Parse command];
L --> M[Execute command];
M --> N[Reset timeout];
flowchart TD;
ifReach[Check if reach the target];
ifLimit[Check if reach the limit];
ifAcce[Check if the target is close to the current position];
A[Determine the direction];
B[Actuate the servo];
C[Set the taget equals to the limit];
D[Deaccelerate the servo];
ifReach --> |Yes| ifReach;
ifReach --> |No| ifLimit;
ifLimit --> |Yes| C;
C --> ifAcce;
ifLimit --> |No| ifAcce;
ifAcce --> |Yes| D;
D --> A;
ifAcce --> |No| A;
A --> B;
B --> ifReach;
To control the wheel, we use a COMP_PID controller. The COMP_PID controller is a PID controller that can adjust the weight of the position and velocity error. The controller is shown below.
The plate is able to move by a designated velocity and position. I write a script the make the plate to move to a target point in the map. However, it is not used in the final version, because we found out that our pilot is just as good as the script.
graph TD;
A[Input: target velocity and position] --> B[Compute current time];
B --> C[Compute time difference];
C --> D[Compute position error];
C --> E[Compute velocity error];
D --> F[Compute position error derivative];
E --> G[Compute velocity error derivative];
F --> H[Integrate position error];
G --> I[Integrate velocity error];
H --> J[Compute maximum position error];
J --> K[Compute position output];
I --> L[Compute velocity output];
K --> M[Compute position weight];
M --> N[Compute velocity weight];
L --> N;
N --> O[Compute combined output];
O --> P[Update previous time and error values];
Some experiment data is shown below.
Some old version arms and mechanical parts.
Making the robot.
Before the final competition.