bop is a suite of music-making abstractions for the media programming environment pure data. it is designed to be flexible, user-friendly, and fun. it could be run on old hardware, embedded into gadgets, or be deployed at massive scale in distributed, immersive installations.
🐦 vanilla compatibility
🐦 pop-up graphical user interface [bop.ui]
🐦 global bop parameter messaging with built-in automation
🐦 module parameter state saves with patch
🐦 flexible, text-based sequencing
🐦 esoteric musical notation
- download the latest release and unzip, or clone from github and include submodules:
git clone --recursive
- open _HOW_TO_BOP_.pd in pure data vanilla
pd version 0.54.1+
bop makes use of some of these abstractions by mike moreno.
other borrowed code credited in-patch.