Easily create a Mapbox App using this React/Mapbox template app! This template serves as a starting point for any React/Mapbox app. This template uses create-react-app and react-mapbox-gl.
- Create and view map markers using react-mapbox-gl and the Mapbox API
- Location search to quickly navigate anywhere on the map
- Lat/long autopopulation when adding markers
- Mobile reponsiveness
- Built-in load testing
React-mapbox-template uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Create React App - Set up a modern web app by running one command.
- React Mapbox Gl - React wrapper for mapbox-gl-js
- Sass - A pure JavaScript implementation of Sass. Sass makes CSS fun again.
- Mapbox - Examples, tutorials, and API references to help you start building with Mapbox.
React-mapbox-template requires a Mapbox account to run. Simply sign up for free and create an access token.
Set up .env file
cd react-mapbox-template
touch .env
nano .env
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
npm i
npm start
Feel free to connect to whatever API server you like for real data! Please see the "src/utils/api.js" file for an example marker data structure. All contibrutions are welcome! I hope you enjoy!