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Play with SketchSearchDemo

zdd edited this page Apr 12, 2017 · 19 revisions


SketchSearchDemo (under gui folder) is the project for 3D object retrieval based on sketch image as input, that implements Mathias Eitz's works on SIGGRAPH 2012.


SketchSearchDemo client-side is written by Qt 5.1+, please install QT at first. And also make sure qmake command in your PATH.

Please also install OpenSSE library before you start.


Before compile your SketchSearchDemo, You need configurate data via config.json (under gui/SketchSearchDemo/) like that:

        "indexfile": "/Users/zddhub/Database/SHREC12/index_file",
        "filelist": "/Users/zddhub/Database/SHREC12/filelist",
        "vocabulary": "/Users/zddhub/Database/SHREC12/vocabulary",
        "results_num": "12",
        "views_num": "102"

Refer How to train data to get your configuration files (2012_filelist, 2012_index_file and vocabulary).

Note: Please use absolute path. This file will be copied to /tmp/SketchSearchDemo/ directory after compiled.

Compile SketchSearchDemo

cd gui/SketchSearchDemo
mkdir release && cd release
qmake -o Makefile ../

SketchSearchDemo Screenshot

After compiled, you will have our SketchSearchDemo app under bin folder, open it like blow:

SketchSearchDemo Screenshot

By the way, press 'C' in sketch pad, You will clear the sketch and draw next one.

See more search results, please click demo videos.