SBOMer is a Go-based tool for generating Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for GitLab projects (eventually others). It provides an automated way to fetch projects from GitLab groups and generate SBOMs using Syft.
- Group-Based Project Fetching: Recursively fetch projects from specified GitLab groups and their subgroups
- Topic-Based Filtering: Skip projects with specific topics using exclude_topics configuration
- Efficient Processing: Process projects in batches with configurable batch sizes and cool-off periods
- Message Queue Integration: Uses RabbitMQ for reliable project processing
- Database Storage: Stores fetch statistics and operation logs in PostgreSQL
- Syft Integration: Generates SBOMs using Syft in CycloneDX JSON format
- Fetcher: Retrieves projects from GitLab and publishes them to RabbitMQ
- Processor: Clones repositories and generates SBOMs using Syft
- Database: Stores operational data and statistics
- GitLab Client: Handles GitLab API interactions and repository cloning
The application is configured via environment variables or a config.yaml
log_level: info
scheme: https
token: "" # Set via SBOMER_GITLAB_TOKEN
temp_dir: tmp/sbomer
host: localhost
port: 5432
user: postgres
password: postgres
dbname: sbomer
sslmode: disable
schedule: "once"
batch_size: 10
cool_off_secs: 5
- "your-group-id" # Optional: Specify GitLab group IDs to fetch from
exclude_topics: # Optional: Skip projects with these topics
- "skip-sbom"
- "no-sbom"
syft_bin_path: bin/syft.exe
You can exclude projects from SBOM generation by adding specific topics to them in GitLab and listing those topics in the exclude_topics
configuration. This is useful for:
- Skipping projects that don't need SBOMs
- Excluding test or template repositories
- Managing large groups of repositories efficiently
For example, if you add the topic "skip-sbom" to a GitLab project and include it in the exclude_topics
list, that project will be automatically skipped during fetching.
: Database connection stringSBOMER_GITLAB_HOST
: GitLab host (default:
: GitLab scheme (default: https)SBOMER_FETCHER_EXCLUDE_TOPICS
: Comma-separated list of topics to exclude
- Set up PostgreSQL database
- Configure RabbitMQ
- Set environment variables
- Run the fetcher service:
go run cmd/fetcher/main.go
- Run the processor service:
go run cmd/processor/main.go
This project is licensed under the MIT License.