Algorithm for detecting sleep and occupancy using the XeThru X4M200 and host device.
The X4M200 can interface with pretty much any host computer/MCU with UART/USRT/USB communication. This specific guide provides instructions for running the device on a Raspberry Pi Zero W or a Mac.
- Write raspbian OS to a micro SD card:
- 2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch at the time of this writing
- Pre-configure the network settings on the sd card
- Navigate into the SD card boot folder:
cd /Volumes/boot
- Create an empty file called 'ssh' in /boot:
touch ssh
- Create and edit file called 'wpa_supplicant.conf':
vim wpa_supplicant.conf
- Write the following to the file, replacing the Wifi ssid and password:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
- Place the SD card into the raspberry pi and power it up
- Wait a few minutes for the OS to initialize for the first time
- SSH into the pi while connected to the same WiFi:
ssh [email protected]
- The default password is 'raspberry'
- Configure rpi options
sudo raspi-config
- 'Change User Password' for security
- 'Interfacing Options'
- 'Serial'
- Select 'No' for login shell
- Select 'Yes' to enable serial port
- Finish, reboot.
- Download the sleep algorithm:
git clone
cd sleep_sensor
- Install the dependencies:
sudo bash
sudo reboot
This installation was done on macOS High Sierra (10.13.2)
Connect the XeThru to the Mac over usb using a micro usb male to usb male cord.
- Install Python 2
- This is easiest using Homebrew:
sudo brew install python2
- Otherwise macOS comes built with a slightly older version of python 2 that should work still.
- Install XeThru ModuleConnector
... To be continued