This is an open source webapp that presents quest related content for Classic World of Warcraft in a graphical and easy-to-follow format. The underlying algorithm parses a custom written JSON file and dynamically renders the page content based on the JSON block you’re viewing. There are no traditional backend components like a database being used, and the application functions completely on the client side. Profiles and settings are stored locally in your browsers localstorage.
Disclaimer: The content of the website represents the latest “gh-pages” branch which is a compiled and minified version of the master branch. The master branch might not fully represent the current iteration of the live website if something new is in development. If you're interested in routing rather than the code, read the second topic.
- How to install
- Launch with Docker
- Routing in development mode
- Writing your own route file
- The route wrapper
- Required page properties
- Required waypoint properties
- Optional waypoint properties
- Quest type formatting
- Samplecode
You need to have NodeJS and NPM installed in order to install the required node modules. Git isn’t mandatory, but I highly suggest you create a repo of your own and version your progress so none of your code goes to waste. There’s plenty of guides in both video and written form to assist you in installing these on your system. These are the versions I’m using:
- NodeJS v11.12.0
- NPM 6.7.0
- Git 2.21.0
The following bash commands should result in a running project:
$ git clone
$ cd vanilla-questing/
$ npm install
$ npm start
If you didn't install git, manually download the project from here. With your terminal/cmd browse to the extracted directory and run the following commands:
$ npm install
$ npm start
Afterwards, the application should be locally available in your browser from:
Courtesy of user ninthwalker, you can launch the full application through docker with the following command:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d ninthwalker/vanilla-questing
I cannot express how much easier it is to do routing with the development version of this application. It has built-in hot reloading and always opens the block you were viewing last, which means that you can edit your route file freely and the browser automatically re-renders the changes in your browser after you save.
This version of the application is available from another repository and has everything non-essential stripped away.
JSON files read very much like text, so converting your leveling routes to a format the algorithm can understand is not a massive undertaking, even for people with no prior programming experience. The same patterns are repeated from start to finish, so after understanding the basics you end up mostly copy/pasting blocks and modifying small details here and there.
Many quests are “punny” and written with awkward capitalization and general spelling. Because of this, stick to writing everything in lowercase. If a mouseover tooltip for a quest comes back as undefined it’s either spelled incorrectly or doesn’t exist in the ID file. Consult the files [horde / alliance] for spelling issues, and if the quest doesn’t exist at all, contact me and I’ll add it asap.
Most of the heavy lifting is already done since you can borrow references for quests and NPCs from my completed route files with CTRL+F searching. You can read this reddit post for a more detailed breakdown of JSON. You can view my route files for tips and references.
Everything in your route needs to be wrapped neatly inside an Array with the name path:
"path": []
- Zone: Has to match the name of the background image file. See list.
- Experience: Your estimation of what level the user should be at this point.
- Can be either an integer or float.
- Waypoints: Needs to be of the type Array.
"zone": "elwynn",
"experience": 5.36,
"waypoints": []
- Coords: The xy representation of where the waypoint is.
- Header: An arbitrary name for the waypoint.
- Type: Determined the color of the waypoint icon.
- Hub is blue.
- Quest is yellow.
- Objective is red.
- Travel is purple.
- Flightpath is green.
"coords": { "x": 49, "y": 42 },
"header": "this is a cool header",
"type": "quest"
- Starts: A quest is picked up here.
- Yellow background.
- Ends: A quest is returned here.
- Green background.
- Completed: A quest is both picked up and finished here.
- Purple background.
- Objectives: A quest objective is done here.
- Red background.
- Special: A custom note from the author.
- Blue background.
- Align: How the waypoint number is aligned.
- Top, Right, Bottom.
- Defaults to Left is no align property is given.
"starts": ["this quest is picked up"],
"ends": ["this quest is finished"],
"objectives": ["this is a quest objective"],
"completed": ["this quest is picked up and finished at once"],
"special": ["this is a cool note"],
"align": "bottom",
For the engine to fetch IDs correctly, standalone quests only require the name of the quest while chain quests require a second property that defines which part should be fetched. Elite, dungeon, escort and random drop quests should also be tagged with their corresponding letter for readability, but it's not mandatory. Remember, stick to lowercase!
- P#: Part # of a chain quest.
- E: Elite quest
- D: Dungeon quest
- F: Escort quest
- R: Random drop quest
"starts": [["this is a chain quest", "p1"]],
"starts": [["this is an elite quest", "e"]],
"starts": [["this is a dungeon quest", "d"]],
"starts": [["this is an escort quest", "f"]],
"starts": [["this is a random drop quest", "r"]],
Special notes work in a similar way, except that the note is turned into a link when a secondary property is provided.
"special": [["this is a cool link", ""]]
"coords": { "x": 30, "y": 89 },
"header": "western pirate ships",
"objectives": [["the bloodsail buccaneers", "p5"]],
"starts": [["cortello's riddle", "p1"]],
"special": ["look for a scroll inside the boats"],
"type": "objective"
"path": [
"zone": "tirisfal",
"experience": 12.82,
"waypoints": [
"coords": { "x": 61, "y": 59 },
"header": "zeppelin station",
"type": "travel"
"coords": { "x": 62, "y": 52 },
"align": "right",
"header": "brill",
"starts": ["delivery to silverpine"],
"type": "hub"
"coords": { "x": 62, "y": 65 },
"align": "right",
"header": "undercity gates",
"type": "travel"
"zone": "undercity",
"experience": 12.82,
"waypoints": [
"coords": { "x": 63, "y": 48 },
"align": "top",
"header": "undercity flightpath",
"special": ["learn the flightpath"],
"type": "flightpath"
"coords": { "x": 71, "y": 44 },
"align": "top",
"header": "undercity lifts",
"type": "travel"