FrontEnd Starter is a boilerplate kit for easy building modern static web-sites using Gulp
- Modern environment for development
- Twig template engine
- Well thought-out and convenient project structure
- HTML5 and CSS3 ready
- SEO friendly
- SASS/SCSS preprocessor
- Autoprefixer
- Live-server with hot-reload
- HTML, CSS, JS, images auto minifier
- Ready-to-use Javascript utils, HTML styled components, CSS helpers, SASS utils etc.
- reseter.css
- .htaccess, robots.txt, sitemap.xml, favicon
- 404 page
- And many more...
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Go to the folder
cd frontend-starter
# Install
npm i
# or
npm install
# Remove link to the original repository
# - if you use Windows system
Remove-Item .git -Recurse -Force
# - or if you use Unix system
rm -rf .git
# Start development mode with live-server
npm run dev
# or with options
npm run dev --port 3000
# Build static files for production
npm run build
# or
npm run prod
# or with options
npm run build --base=/subdomain --dist=./dest
# Start server for build preview
npm run preview
# or with options
npm run preview --port 3001
# ESLint
npm run lint:js
# or
npm run lint:js:fix
# StyleLint
npm run lint:css
# or
npm run lint:css:fix
# Fastify listen backend.js
npm run backend