Releases: zachmueller/spaced-everything
- Toggle visibility of spacing method settings based on which algorithm is selected
- Auto-append captured thought in cases where the template lacks the main variable
- Auto-generate unique filename for capture thought command if title template leads to clashes with existing files
Refactored contexts to remove their tie-in to Spacing Method selection, instead allowing users to directly decide which spacing method to apply to each note (via new se-method
frontmatter property)
Add beta functionality to automatically onboard all notes to Spaced Everything
Various minor fixes, mostly to settings UI:
- Prevent deletion of spacing method if last one or if in use by a context
- Replace icon with text for add spacing method button
- Derive default spacing method name to avoid odd UI behavior for context dropdown
- Apply spacing method renames to dropdowns in contexts section
- Change input for Capture thought note template to multiline text area for clearer input
Implement new functionality to facilitate the writing inbox concept, inspired by Andy Matuschak's notes
Update various settings UI text to sentence case to align to the Obsidian plugin guidelines
Refactor code to better set it up for longer term plans for the plugin.
Renaming and refactoring to support long term plan towards "spaced everything" concept articulated by Andy Matuschak
Correcting the id
in the manifest.json
file to follow Obsidian's guidelines