- An ES6 decorator + class based router, support inherit, override, priority, auto load controllers, etc.
- Using koa-router under the hood.
- Examples
npm i koa-dec-router
yarn add koa-dec-router
import Koa from 'koa'
import DecRouter from 'koa-dec-router'
const decRouter = DecRouter({
controllersDir: `${__dirname}/controllers`,
before: null, // global middleware
after: null, // global middleware
const app = new Koa()
// decRouter.router: `koa-router` instance
import { controller, get, post } from 'dec-router'
async function apiHandler(ctx, next) {
console.log('handle all api and subclass\'s')
await next()
@controller('/api', apiHandler)
export default class Api {
async getApiCommon(ctx) {
// ...
return // some common data
import { controller, get, post } from 'dec-router'
import Api from './api'
async function postHandler(ctx, next) {
console.log('handle post')
await next()
// define multi controller class in one file. You can passing {expose: false} to disable exposing this controller, which can still be inherit.
export class Subpost {
async list(ctx) {
ctx.body = 'get subpost'
export default class Post extends Api {
@get('s') // final path = parent controller path + controller path + method path
async list(ctx) {
const commonData = await super.getApiCommon()
ctx.body = 'get posts'
@get('/:id', {priority: -1}) // wildcard using low priority, let `special` method handle first
async get(ctx) {
ctx.body = 'get' + ctx.params.id
async special(ctx) {
ctx.body = 'special post'
To output all routes generated by dec-router, you can run your app like
DEBUG=dec-router,your-app:* node ./your-app.js
For windows, using cross-env
cross-env DEBUG=dec-router,your-app:* node ./your-app.js
- options: {object}
- controllersDir: {string} controllers directory
- before: {function} optional, first middleware for all controller methods
- after: {function} optional, last middleware for all controller methods (before controller method)
- autoLoadControllers: {bool} optional, default is true
Controller decorator.
- path: {string} optional, path of this controller, default is
'/' + slug(cls.name)
, can be inherited - opts: {object} optional, options, cannot be inherited
- ignoreParentPath: {bool} optional, default is false
- ignoreParentMdws: {bool} optional, default is false
- expose: {bool} optional, expose as a route default is false
- middlewares: {Array} optional, koa middlewares, can be inherited
Controller method decorator, default would totally override superclass's method with same path (not same name), including method, opts, middlewares, etc.
- method: {string}, one of
'get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch', 'use'
; - path: {string} optional, path of this method, default is
'/' + slug(method.name)
- opts: {object} optional, options
- priority: {number} optional, larger before smaller, default is 0
- ignoreCtrlPath: {bool} optional, ignore all controller path, including superclass's, default is false
- middlewares: {Array} optional, koa middlewares
alias of @route('get', path, opts, ...middlewares)
alias of @route('head', path, opts, ...middlewares)
alias of @route('post', path, opts, ...middlewares)
alias of @route('put', path, opts, ...middlewares)
alias of @route('delete', path, opts, ...middlewares)
alias of @route('patch', path, opts, ...middlewares)
alias of @route('use', path, opts, ...middlewares)