Public code release for Surface-Filling Curve Flows via Implicit Medial Axes.
Surface-Filling Curve Flows via Implicit Medial Axes
Yuta Noma, Silvia Sellán, Nicholas Sharp, Karan Singh, Alec Jacobson
ACM Transaction on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH North America 2024)
[Project page]
First, install all the dependencies with git submodule update --init --recursive
Unix-like machines: configure (with cmake) and compile
cd /path/to/directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j6
Windows / Visual Studio
Install CMake, and use either the CMake GUI or the command line interface (as on unix) to generate a Visual Studio solution. Build the solution with Visual Studio.
./bin/curve_on_surface ../models/surfaces/scorpion/scene.txt
By pressing the space bar or checking "run loop", it will produce a surface-filling curve!
If any issues or questions, please contact [email protected].