Simple wrapper for Realm Cocoa.
- Support Realm Cocoa (3.0.x)
- Async/Cancel operation.
pod 'YSRealmStore'
RLMRealmConfiguration *configuration = [[RLMRealmConfiguration alloc] init];
configuration.path = [YSRealmStore realmPathWithFileName:@"twitter"];
configuration.objectClasses = @[[Tweet class],
[User class],
[Entities class],
[Url class],
[Mention class]];
configuration.schemaVersion = 2;
configuration.migrationBlock = ^(RLMMigration *migration, uint64_t oldSchemaVersion) {
/* Migration */
TwitterRealmStore *store = [[TwitterRealmStore alloc] initWithConfiguration:configuration];
/* Sync */
[store writeTransactionWithWriteBlock:^(YSRealmWriteTransaction *transaction, RLMRealm *realm) {
// Can be operated for the realm. (Main thread)
[realm addOrUpdateObject:[[Tweet alloc] initWithObject:obj]];
/* Async */
[store writeTransactionWithWriteBlock:^(YSRealmWriteTransaction *transaction, RLMRealm *realm) {
// Can be operated for the realm. (Background thread)
[realm addOrUpdateObject:[[Tweet alloc] initWithObject:obj]];
} completion:^(YSRealmStore *store, YSRealmWriteTransaction *transaction) {
YSRealmWriteTransaction *transaction = [store writeTransactionWithWriteBlock:writeBlock
[transaction cancel];
/* Sync */
[store writeObjectsWithObjectsBlock:^id(YSRealmOperation *operation, RLMRealm *realm) {
// Can be operated for the realm. (Main thread)
return [[Tweet alloc] initWithObject:tweetJsonObj];
/* Async */
[store writeObjectsWithObjectsBlock:^id(YSRealmOperation *operation, RLMRealm *realm) {
// Can be operated for the realm. (Background thread)
return [[Tweet alloc] initWithObject:tweetJsonObj];
} completion:^(YSRealmStore *store, YSRealmOperation *operation) {
/* Sync */
[store deleteObjectsWithObjectsBlock:^id(YSRealmOperation *operation, RLMRealm *realm) {
// Can be operated for the realm. (Main thread)
return [Tweet allObjects];
/* Async */
[store deleteObjectsWithObjectsBlock:^id(YSRealmOperation *operation, RLMRealm *realm) {
// Can be operated for the realm. (Background thread)
return [Tweet allObjects];
} completion:^(YSRealmStore *store, YSRealmOperation *operation) {
*Fetched object is require primary key.
/* Async */
[store fetchObjectsWithObjectsBlock:^id(YSRealmOperation *operation, RLMRealm *realm) {
// Can be operated for the realm. (Background thread)
RLMResults *tweets = [Tweet allObjects];
return [tweets sortedResultsUsingProperty:@"id" ascending:YES];
} completion:^(YSRealmStore *store, YSRealmOperation *operation, RLMRealm *realm, RLMResults *results) {
YSRealmOperation *operation = [store writeObjectsWithObjectsBlock:objectsBlock
[operation cancel];