Default version of the Global Ionosphere/Thermosphere Model used by the Upper Atmosphere Group at University of Texas at Arlington.
GITM has been developed in Fortran-90. Original code and copyright by University of Michigan. Please refer to the paper by Ridley, Deng & Tóth (2006) at and the GITM user manual at
Other useful links:
TACC LS6 User Guide:
- GITM runs on TACC machine (you can use different shells, e.g., bash, csh. I use bash myself).
- GITM needs MPI to work.
- Choose one editor: emacs vs vim
- Two ways to run GITM: batch job vs idev
- What is Makefile and how it works?
1. Clone the repository on your TACC Home directory
git clone
2. Go into the folder (You can change to whatever you want)
cd gitm_default
3. Configure the Fortran compiler with ifort (By default)
./ -install -compiler=ifortmpif90 -earth
4. Compile your GITM codes
cd src
Open the ModSize.f90 file and modify the 'nLons' and 'nlats' from x to 12:
integer, parameter :: nLons = 12
integer, parameter :: nLats = 12
Then return to the previous directory:
cd ..
5. Create your run directory
make rundir
6. Apply idev with 4 nodes & 144 mpi tasks
cd run
idev -m 10 -N 4 -n 144
Open the file and modify the 'lons' and 'lats' from 2 to 12:
12 lons
12 lats
7. Run your GITM on idev (I use ibrun instead of mpirun)
ibrun ./GITM.exe
7. Add these to .bashrc to run IDL everywhere
module load idl
export IDL_PATH='/scratch/tacc/apps/idl/8.4.0/idl/lib'
for d in $(find $IDL_PATH -type d); do
export IDL_PATH="$IDL_PATH:/home1/06793/hongyu_5/IDL_lib/srcIDL/"
export IDL_PATH="$IDL_PATH:/home1/06793/hongyu_5/IDL_lib/IDL_GITM/"
export IDL_STARTUP="/home1/06793/hongyu_5/IDL_lib/srcIDL/startup"
Please remember to modify the corresponding path, i.e., /home1/06793/hongyu_5/, with your own numbers and username.