This repository contains the code release for SIGGRAPH (TOG) 2024 paper: "Bilateral Guided Radiance Field Processing" by Yuehao Wang, Chaoyi Wang, Bingchen Gong, and Tianfan Xue.
Project Page / Arxiv / Data
Hesitate to use this "multinerf-derived" codebase? No worries! Our method is supposed to plug and play for various NeRF backbones. We assemble all the essential code related to 3D/4D bilateral grids in a single You can download this file and import it into your codebase. The essential dependencies to install are PyTorch, Numpy, and tensorly.
Please check out the documentation for a quick start and overview of using this module. Additionally, we provide two Colab examples: one demonstrates how to optimize a bilateral grid to approximate camera ISP, and the other shows how to optimize a 4D bilateral grid to enhance a 3D volumetric object.
You could run the two examples with CPU runtime!
Our implementation is based on zipnerf-pytorch. To use this codebase or reproduce our results, please follow the instructions below.
# 1. Clone the repo.
# 2. Make a conda environment.
conda create --name bilarf python=3.9
conda activate bilarf
# 3. Install requirements.
# You'll probably need to install PyTorch separately to support your GPUs.
pip install -r requirements.txt
# 4. Install other extensions.
pip install ./gridencoder
# 5. Install a specific cuda version of torch_scatter.
# see more details at
CUDA=cu117 # note: please specify your installed cuda version
pip install torch-scatter -f${CUDA}.html
We use the following datasets in our experiments and demo video.
This dataset contains our own captured nighttime scenes, synthetic data generated from RawNeRF dataset, and editing samples. We host our dataset on Huggingface:
The dataset follows the file structure of NeRF LLFF data (forward-facing scenes). In addition, the editing samples are stored in the 'edits/' directory. The filename of each editing is formatted in 'editX
.png', where split-name
could be 'train', 'test', 'all', or 'path', and index
is the camera index in the split. We also provide 'ext_metadata.json' that can offer info about scenes. The data loader in this codebase currently supports the following two fields:
/** The `spiral_radius_scale` field specifies the radius of spiral camera path to
ensure view synthesis is not out of the bound of the reconstructed scene. */
"spiral_radius_scale": 0.5,
/** For scenes synthesized from RawNeRF dataset, `no_factor_suffix` is set to `true`
to suggest loading downsized training images directly from the 'images/' directory
instead of 'images_X/', where X is specified by `Config.factor`. */
"no_factor_suffix": true
To use your own data, you can type the commands below (suppose your captured images are saved in 'my_dataset_dir/images'). More elaborate instructions can be found here.
bash tools/ ${DATA_DIR}
# Visualize COLMAP output.
python tools/ --input_model ${DATA_DIR}/sparse/0 --input_format .bin
We provide example scripts for training, rendering, evaluation, and finishing in 'scripts/' (you will need to change the dataset path and experiment name):
# Train and render test and camera path.
sh scripts/
# Evaluation
# Finishing
All the experiment results and checkpoints will be saved to the 'exp/' directory.
We use gin as our configuration framework. The default gin configs can be found in 'configs/'. You can use --gin_configs='...'
to specify a '.gin' file and use --gin_bindings='...'
to add/override configurations.
Below are the bindings we added for our proposed approach.
Model.bilateral_grid = True
BilateralGrid.grid_width = 16 # Grid width.
BilateralGrid.grid_height = 16 # Grid height.
BilateralGrid.grid_depth = 8 # Guidance dimension.
Config.bilgrid_tv_loss_mult = 10. # TV loss weight.
Config.render_train = True
Model.bilateral_grid = True # If True, render training views with bilateral grids applied.
When rendering test views or a camera path, please ensure Model.bilateral_grid = False
The checkpoints and results of the training stage will be saved to 'exp/Config.exp_name
Model.bilateral_grid4d = True
Config.exp_name = 'expname' # Specify a base NeRF model to perform finishing.
Config.ft_name = 'edit_1' # Specify a label for the editing.
Config.ft_tgt_image = 'edit_color_path_011.png' # Path to the edited view.
Config.ft_tgt_pose = 'path:11' # Camera pose identifier for the edited view.
The checkpoints and results of the finishing stage will be saved to 'exp/Config.exp_name
' sub-directory.
Regarding the values of Config.ft_tgt_pose
, we use a simple syntax: split-name:index
, where split-name
is one of 'train', 'test', 'all', and 'path', and index
is the camera index in the specified split.
The split name 'all' refers to all captured images in the 'images/' directory(train+test views).
Camera poses in the 'path' split depend on
. Thus, we need to make sure the edited view is synthesized using the same parameters of the render path.
BilateralGridCP4D.grid_X = 16 # Grid width.
BilateralGridCP4D.grid_Y = 16 # Grid height.
BilateralGridCP4D.grid_Z = 16 # Grid depth.
BilateralGridCP4D.grid_W = 8 # Guidance dimension.
BilateralGridCP4D.rank = 5 # Number of components
## The following bindings are rarely modified in our experiments.
BilateralGridCP4D.learn_gray = True # If True, an MLP is trained to map RGB into guidance.
BilateralGridCP4D.gray_mlp_depth = 2 # Learnable guidance MLP depth.
BilateralGridCP4D.gray_mlp_width = 8 # Learnable guidance MLP width.
BilateralGridCP4D.init_noise_scale = 1e-6 # The noise scale of the initialized factors.
BilateralGridCP4D.bound = 2. # The scale of the bound.
Config.bilgrid4d_tv_loss_mult = 1. # TV loss weight.
Config.render_ft = True
This will make '' reload the model with an optimized 4D bilateral grid in the 'ft/Config.ft_name
' sub-directory. By removing this binding, '' will render the NeRF model without applying any 3D finishing.
- Thanks to the contributors of zipnerf-pytorch for their PyTorch implementation of ZipNeRF!
- Thanks to Lu Ling for sharing their pretty drone videos! Check out the amazing DL3DV-10K dataset!
title={Bilateral Guided Radiance Field Processing},
author={Wang, Yuehao and Wang, Chaoyi and Gong, Bingchen and Xue, Tianfan},
journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}