By Yudao.
Scala DDR Simple Api is a simple port of the W3C Java DDR Simple API which can be found here and his javadoc.
The W3C DDR Simple Api specifications, for their, can be found here
Clone this repository:
git clone ./scala-ddr-simple-API && cd scala-ddr-simple-API
Run the test if you want
sbt test
In your build.sbt:
RootProject( uri("git://") )
Scala DDR Simple Api is just a specification api that follow the W3C DDR recommendation.
This recommendation hold a FactoryService for faciliting the creation of all Service to implement.
import net.yudao.w3c.ddr.simple.{Service, ServiceFactory}
val service1:Service = ServiceFactory.newService("mobi.example.DDRService", "", Map("property1"->"value1", "property2"->"value2"))
This will return an implemented service (your own) with this trait:
trait Service {
def initialize(s: String, properties: Map[String, String]): Unit
def getAPIVersion: String
def getDataVersion: String
def listPropertyRefs(): Array[PropertyRef]
def getPropertyValue(evidence: Evidence, propertyRef: PropertyRef): PropertyValue
def getPropertyValue(evidence: Evidence, propertyName: PropertyName): PropertyValue
def getPropertyValue(evidence: Evidence, s: String): PropertyValue
def getPropertyValue(evidence: Evidence, s: String, s1: String, s2: String): PropertyValue
def getPropertyValues(evidence: Evidence): PropertyValues
def getPropertyValues(evidence: Evidence, propertyRefs: Array[PropertyRef]): PropertyValues
def getPropertyValues(evidence: Evidence, s: String): PropertyValues
def getPropertyValues(evidence: Evidence, s: String, s1: String): PropertyValues
def newPropertyName(s: String): PropertyName
def newPropertyName(s: String, s1: String): PropertyName
def newPropertyRef(s: String): PropertyRef
def newPropertyRef(propertyName: PropertyName): PropertyRef
def newPropertyRef(propertyName: PropertyName, s: String): PropertyRef
def newHTTPEvidence(): Evidence
def newHTTPEvidence(map: Map[String, String]): Evidence
I'm sure, Scala DDR Simple Api can be improved with, by example, the exceptions parts to be more concise and maybe some other occurs guru scala tips ;)
If you discover any bugs or any bad implementation from the W3C DDR SImple API, feel free to create an issue on GitHub. Please add as much information as possible to help us fixing the possible bug. We also encourage you to help even more by forking and sending us a pull request.
WTFPL License. Copyright 2014 Yudao.