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Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent

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The Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent is a primary component of Amazon ECS Service Connect and AWS App Mesh. It monitors the Envoy proxy and provides a management interface. This management interface serves as a safe endpoint to interact with the Envoy proxy and provides several APIs for health checks, telemetry data and summarizes the operating condition of the proxy. It is used in both ECS Service Connect proxy and App Mesh Envoy Docker Image.

Building the Agent

On an Amazon Linux AMI. Download Go at In the project's agent directory, issue the make command to compile the agent binary:

$ yum -y install docker
$ yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
$ make
go fmt ./...
go test -mod=vendor -count=1 -v ./...
$ ls -laF agent
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ec2-user ec2-user 21192704 Feb  1 18:40 agent*

To create an Envoy image, you could use the following example files:

Example Dockerfile.agent:

COPY agent /usr/bin/agent

CMD /usr/bin/agent

Example Makefile:

AWS_REGION ?= us-west-2
SSM_PARAMETER = "/aws/service/appmesh/envoy"
IMAGE_STRING = $(shell aws --region $(AWS_REGION) ssm get-parameter --name $(SSM_PARAMETER) --query Parameter.Value)
ECR = $(shell echo $(IMAGE_STRING) | cut -d / -f 1)
IMAGE_NAME ?= "ecs-service-connect-agent:latest"

.PHONY: docker-build
        ECR=$(shell echo $(IMAGE_STRING) | sed 's/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\1/g')
        echo "FROM $(IMAGE_STRING)" > source
        cat source Dockerfile.agent > Dockerfile

        aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --password-stdin --username AWS $(ECR)
        docker build -t $(IMAGE_NAME) .
        rm source Dockerfile

Place these files along with the built agent binary in a single directory and issue the make docker-build command. The resulting ecs-service-connect:latest can be used in ECS Service Connect or App Mesh as a sidecar.

Advanced Usage

The Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent supports using a few environment variables to alter some aspects of the Envoy's behavior. These variables are outlined below, and documented in the AWS App Mesh User Guide. These environment variables can be configured when used with AWS App Mesh, and they are not configurable when used with ECS Service Connect.

Required Variables

Environment Key Example Value(s) Description Default Value
APPMESH_RESOURCE_ARN When you add the Envoy container to a task group, set this environment variable to the ARN of the virtual node or the virtual gateway that the task group represents

Envoy Bootstrap Environment Variables

These environment variables offer controls for the bootstrap config generation for Envoy when it's started.

Environment Key Example Value(s) Description Default Value
ENVOY_ADMIN_MODE <tcp | uds> Specify whether to bind Envoy's admin interface to a tcp address or a unix socket. tcp
ENVOY_ADMIN_ACCESS_LOG_FILE /path/to/access.log Log file for the Envoy admin access service /var/log/envoy_admin_access.log
ENVOY_ADMIN_ACCESS_PORT 1234 Port where Envoy admin access is reachable and also to override the default port through which Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent is connecting to envoy 9901
ENVOY_ADMIN_ACCESS_ENABLE_IPV6 <true | false> Determines if the Envoy will listen for IPv6 traffic on the admin interface false
ENVOY_LOG_LEVEL <info | warn | error | debug | trace> Envoy Log Level info
ENVOY_INITIAL_FETCH_TIMEOUT Length of time Envoy will wait for an initial config response 0
ENVOY_CONCURRENCY 2 number of concurrent processes for Envoy -1
ENABLE_ENVOY_STATS_TAGS <0 | 1> Enables the use of App Mesh defined tags appmesh.mesh and appmesh.virtual_node. For more information, see config.metrics.v3.TagSpecifier in the Envoy documentation. To enable, set the value to 1.
ENVOY_STATS_FLUSH_INTERVAL 5000ms Sets optional duration between flushes to configured stats sinks. (unit: Duration) 5000ms
ENVOY_STATS_CONFIG_FILE Stats config file (see:
ENVOY_STATS_SINKS_CFG_FILE Specify a file path in the Envoy container file system to override the default configuration with your own. For more information, see config.metrics.v3.StatsSink in the Envoy documentation.
ENABLE_ENVOY_DOG_STATSD <0 | 1> Enables DogStatsD stats using as the default daemon endpoint 0
STATSD_PORT 1234 Specify a port value to override the default DogStatsD daemon port 8125
STATSD_ADDRESS Specify an IP address value to override the default DogStatsD daemon IP address. This variable can only be used with version 1.15.0 or later of the Envoy image.
STATSD_SOCKET_PATH /path/to/socket Specify a unix domain socket for the DogStatsD daemon. If this variable is not specified, and if DogStatsD is enabled, then this value defaults to the DogStatsD daemon IP address port of If the ENVOY_STATS_SINKS_CFG_FILE variable is specified containing a stats sinks configuration, it will override all of the DogStatsD variables. This variable is supported with Envoy image version v1.19.1.0-prod or late
APPMESH_METRIC_EXTENSION_VERSION <0 | 1> Enables the App Mesh metrics extension
ENABLE_ENVOY_XRAY_TRACING <0 | 1> Enables X-Ray tracing using as the default daemon endpoint
XRAY_DAEMON_PORT 1234 Overrides the X-Ray daemon port 2000
XRAY_SAMPLING_RATE 0.0 - 1.00 Override the default sampling rate of 0.05 (5%) for AWS X-Ray tracer. The value should be specified as a decimal between 0 and 1.00 (100%). This will be overridden if XRAY_SAMPLING_RULE_MANIFEST is specified
XRAY_SAMPLING_RULE_MANIFEST /path/to/ruleset Specify a file path in the Envoy container file system to configure the localized custom sampling rules for the X-Ray tracer. For more information, see Sampling rules in the AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
XRAY_SEGMENT_NAME “mesh/resourceName” Specify a segment name for traces to override the default X-Ray segment name. This variable is supported with Envoy image version v1.23.0.0-prod or later. meshName/virtualNodeName
AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS Same portaddress:port; Different portstcp:address:port udp:address:port Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener. Use this variable if you have configured the daemon to listen on a different port or if it is running on a different host. By default, the SDK uses for both trace data (UDP) and sampling (TCP)
ENABLE_ENVOY_DATADOG_TRACING <0 | 1> Enables Datadog trace collection using as the default Datadog agent endpoint. To enable, set the value to 1 0
DATADOG_TRACER_PORT 1234 Specify a port value to override the default Datadog agent port 8126
DATADOG_TRACER_ADDRESS Specify an IP address to override the default Datadog agent address
DD_SERVICE “mesh/resourceName” Specify a service name for traces to override the default Datadog service name. This variable is supported with Envoy image version v1.18.3.0-prod or later. envoy-meshName/virtualNodeName
ENABLE_ENVOY_JAEGER_TRACING <0 | 1> Enables Jaeger trace collection using as the default Jaeger endpoint 0
JAEGER_TRACER_PORT 1234 Specify a port value to override the default Jaeger port 9411
JAEGER_TRACER_ADDRESS Specify an IP address to override the default Jaeger address
JAEGER_TRACER_VERSION <PROTO | JSON> Specify whether the collector needs traces in JSON or PROTO endoded format PROTO
ENVOY_TRACING_CFG_FILE Tracing configuration file (see:
ENVOY_CONFIG_FILE /usr/local/etc/envoy.yaml Location of an alternative Envoy configuration file. If it is provided, a full and valid config file must be provided to the container. If this is not provided the Agent generates the config file.
ENVOY_RESOURCES_CONFIG_FILE /usr/local/etc/resources.yaml Location for providing additional resources to be applied on the bootstrap configuration file. If this is specified the Agent will concatenate the resources with the default resources that are generated.
APPMESH_RESOURCE_CLUSTER By default App Mesh uses the name of the resource you specified in APPMESH_RESOURCE_ARN when Envoy is referring to itself in metrics and traces. You can override this behavior by setting the APPMESH_RESOURCE_CLUSTER environment variable with your own name. This variable can only be used with version 1.15.0 or later of the Envoy image.
APPMESH_XDS_ENDPOINT Envoy's configuration endpoint with port appmesh-envoy-management.$
APPMESH_FIPS_ENDPOINT <0 | 1> Enables the App Mesh FIPS Endpoint.
APPMESH_SIGNING_NAME appmesh The service signing name for Aws request signing filter. appmesh
APPMESH_SET_TRACING_DECISION <true | false> Controls whether Envoy modifies the x-request-id header appearing in a request from a client TRUE
ENVOY_NO_EXTENSION_LOOKUP_BY_NAME <true | false> Controls whether Envoy needs type URL to lookup extensions regardless of the name field. If the type URL is missing it will reject (NACK) the configuration true
ENVOY_ENABLE_TCP_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT <true | false> Controls whether the idle_timeout protocol options feature is enabled for TCP upstreams. If not configured the default idle_timeout is 10 minutes. Set this environment variable to false to disable idle_timeout option. true
ENVOY_SANITIZE_ORIGINAL_PATH <true | false> Controls whether to sanitize x-envoy-original-path coming from an untrusted users. Set this environment variable to false to not sanitize x-envoy-original-path header coming from untrusted users. true
APPMESH_SDS_SOCKET_PATH /path/to/socket Unix Domain Socket for SDS Based TLS.
APPMESH_PREVIEW <0 | 1> Enables the App Mesh Preview Endpoint
APPMESH_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT <0 | 1> Enables the App Mesh Dual-Stack Endpoint
APPMESH_PLATFORM_K8S_VERSION “v1.21.2” For Envoy running on K8s, K8s platform version injected by App Mesh Controller
APPMESH_PLATFORM_APP_MESH_CONTROLLER_VERSION "v1.4.1" For Envoy running on K8s, app mesh controller version injected by App Mesh Controller

Agent Sidecar Operation Environment Variables

These environment variables offer controls to alter Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent functionality acting as a process manager for Envoy and serving useful APIs via a management interface.

Environment Key Example Value(s) Description Default Value
APPNET_ENVOY_RESTART_COUNT 10 The number of times the Agent will restart Envoy within a running task 0
PID_POLL_INTERVAL_MS 25 The interval at which the Envoy process’ state is checked 100
LISTENER_DRAIN_WAIT_TIME_S 1 Controls the time Envoy waits for active connections to gracefully close before the process exits 20
APPNET_AGENT_ADMIN_MODE <tcp | uds> Starts Agent's management interface server and binds it to either a tcp address or a unix socket.
APPNET_AGENT_HTTP_PORT 1234 Specify a port to be used for binding Agent's management interface in tcp mode. Ensure port value is > 1024 if uid != 0. Ensure port is less than 65535 9902
APPNET_AGENT_HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS Specify an IP address to override the default Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent Management interface address in tcp mode. [::]
APPNET_AGENT_ADMIN_UDS_PATH /path/to/socket Specify unix domain socket path for Amazon ECS Service Connect agent management interface in uds mode. /var/run/ecs/appnet_admin.sock
APPNET_AGENT_LOGGING_RESET_TIMEOUT 300 Length of time agent will wait for log level to be reset after it is updated via /enableLogging endpoint (unit: s) 300
APPNET_ENVOY_LOG_DESTINATION stdout/stderr Location of log file of the agent. If this variable is set to a file, the log won't be printed to stdour/stderr. If this variable is not set or is set to an empty string, the default value will be applied. stdout/stderr
APPNET_ENVOY_LOG_NAME appnet_envoy.log The name of Log file of the agent appnet_envoy.log
APPNET_AGENT_MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE 1.0 The max size of log file of the agent (unit: MB) 1.0
APPNET_AGENT_MAX_RETENTION_COUNT 3 The max number of log files of the agent 5
HC_POLL_INTERVAL_MS 2000 The interval at which the agent health checks envoy (unit: ms) 10000
HC_DISCONNECTED_TIMEOUT_S 3600 Timeout after which a continued disconnection from management server would result in failing orchestrator health checks (unit: s) 604800
APPNET_AGENT_POLL_ENVOY_READINESS_INTERVAL_S 5 Specified by the controller when running on EKS, this specifies the interval of non-daemon envoy health checks by agent. (second) 5
APPNET_AGENT_POLL_ENVOY_READINESS_TIMEOUT_S 180 The timeout of non-daemon envoy health check (second) 180
ENABLE_STATS_SNAPSHOT <true | false> Specify whether the agent should take periodic snapshot of emitted stats and compute a timed delta. false

Agent Relay Mode Operation Environment Variables

These environment variables offer controls to alter the agent functionality when running in the Relay mode. The relay runs one per container instance and proxies xDS connections/requests from all the Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent containers running on the host to the control plane management server. It uses a static bootstrap config file stored in the agent/resources/bootstrap_configs directory.

Environment Key Example Value(s) Description Default Value
APPNET_ENABLE_RELAY_MODE_FOR_XDS <0 | 1> Enables relay mode for the agent to be run on the container instance. If set as 1, Envoy would be bootstrapped with the static config present in the image and act as a relay for all communication between the agent containers on the instance and the management server. 0
APPNET_MANAGEMENT_DOMAIN_NAME Management service endpoint domain name for relay bootstrap config generation. ecs-sc.$
APPNET_MANAGEMENT_PORT 1234 Management service endpoint port for relay bootstrap config generation. 443
APPNET_RELAY_LISTENER_UDS_PATH /path/to/socket Specify unix domain socket path for xDS Relay listener to serve control plane requests from the Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent. /tmp/relay_xds.sock
RELAY_STREAM_IDLE_TIMEOUT 2000s Timeout value for connection between the agent in relay mode and the management server. 2400s
RELAY_BUFFER_LIMIT_BYTES 10485760 Allows for configurable connection buffer limit for agent in relay mode. 10485760

Management Server Operating Environment Variables

These environment variables are used to pass operating platform/environment information to the management server for control plane operations and dynamic configuration generation.

Environment Key Example Value(s) Description Default Value
ECS_CONTAINER_INSTANCE_ARN arn:aws:ecs:region:aws_account_id:container-instance/cluster-name/container-instance-id When set, used to send ECS container instance Arn information to management server for authorization purposes.
APPMESH_PLATFORM_K8S_POD_UID arn:aws:ecs:region:aws_account_id:container-instance/cluster-name/container-instance-id For Envoy running on K8s, Pod UID injected by App Mesh Controller.
APPNET_CONTAINER_IP_MAPPING {"App1":"","App2":""} Specifies address mapping of application container as set by ECS agent in ECS Service Connect.
APPNET_LISTENER_PORT_MAPPING {"Listener1":15000,"Listener2":15001} Specifies port mapping for each application port as set by ECS agent in ECS Service Connect.



Management APIs

The Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent offers a local management interface when APPNET_AGENT_ADMIN_MODE is set. Following are the supported queries:

  • GET /status: Returns Envoy operating information such as its connectivity state, restarts count, connection with control plane, health check, etc.
  • POST /drain_listeners: Drains all inbound Envoy listeners.
  • POST /enableLogging?level=<desired_level>: Change Envoy logging level across all loggers. The change is automatically reset after a duration configurable using APPNET_AGENT_LOGGING_RESET_TIMEOUT variable.
  • GET /stats/prometheus: Returns Envoy statistics in Prometheus format.
  • GET /stats/prometheus?usedonly: Only returns statistics that Envoy has updated.
  • GET /stats/prometheus?filter=metrics_extension: Filters and returns only the statistics generated by Metrics Extension. Can be used in conjunction with usedonly parameter.
  • GET /stats/prometheus?usedonly&filter=metrics_extension&delta: Returns a delta of the statistics computed using the latest snapshot retrieved from Envoy. Requires enabling the snapshotter using ENABLE_STATS_SNAPSHOT variable.


Contributions and feedback are welcome! Proposals and pull requests will be considered and responded to. For more information, see the CONTRIBUTING file.

If you have a bug/and issue around the behavior of the Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent, please open it here.

If you have a feature request, please open it over at the AWS Containers Roadmap.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.


Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent



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