Preprocessing is packaged as a Spark Job.
- Install Confluent platform v3.0.x from
- Start zookeeper, kafka broker/s and schema registry. Note - schema registry default port is 8081, but latest version of code looks at You have either to change port in code or in schema registry properties
- Create topics
- Install sbt and run
sbt compile
or install IntelliJ and import project
- Run
main class with single argument - name of directory which contains perf_dump.txt. It doesn't terminate itself, you have to monitor progress at http://localhost:4040 - Run
with same argument.
Now your data is in Kafka topics
Just run KafkaStreamsMap
and hit ENTER. It has some significant startup lag,
but later you should see numbers running.
Sample output:
M/ps: 31250.00 (20685.76 avg), with app start overhead - 19841.32, Total: 11991000
M/ps: 29411.76 (20686.28 avg), with app start overhead - 19841.85, Total: 11992000
M/ps: 31250.00 (20686.86 avg), with app start overhead - 19842.46, Total: 11993000
M/ps: 25000.00 (20687.16 avg), with app start overhead - 19842.80, Total: 11994000
M/ps: 29411.76 (20687.67 avg), with app start overhead - 19843.34, Total: 11995000
M/ps: 30303.03 (20688.22 avg), with app start overhead - 19843.91, Total: 11996000
M/ps: 23809.52 (20688.44 avg), with app start overhead - 19844.18, Total: 11997000
M/ps: 29411.76 (20688.95 avg), with app start overhead - 19844.72, Total: 11998000
M/ps: 28571.43 (20689.43 avg), with app start overhead - 19845.23, Total: 11999000
M/ps: 19607.84 (20689.33 avg), with app start overhead - 19845.21, Total: 12000000
M/ps: 26315.79 (20689.70 avg), with app start overhead - 19845.61, Total: 12001000
M/ps: 24390.24 (20689.96 avg), with app start overhead - 19845.92, Total: 12002000