Matlab codes for photometric stereo under calibrated or semi-calibrated near point light source illumination (e.g., LEDs).
These Matlab codes implement the method for photometric stereo under point light source illumination advocated in [1,2]. Given a set of photometric stereo images of a still scene acquired from a still, calibrated, pinhole camera, and the light sources parameters, this algorithm estimates depth, normals, albedo and, optionally, lighting intensities. It can output a colored mesh in the .obj format.
- Several calibrated datasets
- Graylevel or RGB-valued images
- Robust estimation through M-estimation and explicit self-shadow modeling
- Optional automatic estimation of lighting intensities (semi-calibrated setup)
- Isotropic or anisotropic (imperfect Lambertian) sources
[1] "LED-based Photometric Stereo: Modeling, Calibration and Numerical Solution", Yvain Quéau et al., Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 60(3), pp. 313--340 (2018) (
[2] "Semi-calibrated Near-Light Photometric Stereo", Yvain Quéau et al., Proceedings of the international conference on Scale-Space and Variational Methods for computer vision (SSVM 2017).
Please cite the above works if using the provided codes and/or datasets for your own research.
Author: Yvain Quéau, Technical University Munich, [email protected]
folder contains all the datasets used in [1,2]: a plaster statuette, two human faces, a dental plaster cast, a comic book and a box. Each dataset contains 21 files:photometric_sample_raw_0001.png -> photometric_sample_raw_0008.png
: RAW images obtained under 8 different nearby LEDs.photometric_sample_mask_raw.png
: binary mask of the area to reconstruct.photometric_sample_raw_ambient.png
: image acquired without any LED on, to be substracted from the PS images in order to remove most of the additive bias.photometric_sample_all_raw.png
: image acquired with all 8 LEDs on. Not used in this work.photometric_sample_jpg_0001.png -> photometric_sample_jpg_0008.png
: JPG images corresponding to the above RAW ones. They are provided only to ease visualization of the data (because RAW images may be tedious to open with standard image viewers), and they should NOT be used for PS.
Camera's intrinsics (calibrated using Matlab's computer vision toolbox) are provided in the
file, under the forme of a matrixK = [fx,0,x0 ; 0,fy,y0; 0,0,1]
, with(fx,fy)
the focal length scaled by the aspect ratio, and(x0,y0)
the principal point. -
Calibrated LEDs' parameters are provided in the file
, which contains the following variables:- S (8 x 3): XYZ location of the 8 sources, in mm and w.r.t. the camera center (REQUIRED).
- Phi (8 x 3): RGB intensities of the 8 sources, w.r.t. the color of the calibration target we used (assumed to have albedo equal to 1 in each wavelength). If these intensities were not calibrated, they can be estimated automatically using the semi-calibrated option.
- mu (8 x 1): anisotropy parameter of the 8 sources. mu(i) = 0 means the it-th source is isotropic, mu =1 means it is a primary Lambertian source, and mu > 1 means it is anisotropic (imperfect Lambertian source model). Set mu(:) = 0 if you have no idea about this parameter.
- Dir (8 x 3): XYZ orientation of the 8 sources, w.r.t. the optical axis. Each row must have unit-length. Required if mu > 0, not required if mu=0.
A laser-scan 3D-reconstruction of the statuette is provided for quantitative evaluation in Statuette_GT/. In [1-2], our 3D-reconstructions were first roughly aligned with this ground-truth using the manual point picking tool from the
software. Then, ICP with farthest point removal was carried out to refine the alignment. The distances in [1,2] refer to thecloud to cloud
distance tool from this software.
The main fuction is Toolbox/near_ps.m
(see header for details).
- a gridded point cloud (the third dimension represents depth)
- normal map
- albedo
- lighting intensities
- binary mask
- evolution of energy w.r.t. iterations
a data structure such that:
- data.I contains the 3D or 4D image stack (REQUIRED)
- data.mask contains a binary 2D mask
a calib structure such that:
- calib.S contains the sources locations (REQUIRED)
- calib.K contains the camera's intrinsics (REQUIRED)
- calib.Phi contains the sources intensities
- contains the sources anisotropy factors
- calib.Dir contains the sources orientations
a param structure containing optional parameters. We strongly recommend to play a bit with the following parameters:
- params.z0 is the initial depth. We advise to roughly (visually) estimate the distance from camera to object in mm, and set z0 to a constant matrix with this rough distance
- params.estimator sets the estimator. LS (least-squares) is a good initial choice, but robust M-estimators may be more accurate, though they require the parameter lambda to be set
- params.lambda sets the M-estimator parameter. For Cauchy estimator, we use 0.1 in our datasets. L1 norm optimization is achieved by setting Lp as estimator, and 1 for lambda
- params.self_shadows includes self-shadows in the model or not
- params.indices can be used to automatically remove brightest or darkest levels in each pixel. This can be useful in the presence of specularities or strong shadowing.
- params.semi_calibrated enables automatic intensity refinement
- params.scales sets the number of scales for the pyramidal estimation. If lighting intensities are appropriately calibrated, the multi-scale approach should reduce a lot the impact of depth initialization.
For fast debugging or proof of concept, it may be useful to reduce the size of the data, to limit the number of iterations, or to display live surface, albedo, normals and energy:
- params.ratio downsamples images by a factor of ratio
- params.maxit sets the maximum number of iterations
- params.tol sets the relative stopping criterion on the energy
- params.display displays the result at each iteration
The inner conjugate gradient iterations can be controlled by:
- params.maxit_pcg sets the max number of CG iterations within each global iteration
- params.tol_pcg sets its relative stopping criterion
- params.precond sets the preconditioner. We strongly recommend to use
(see Dependencies), but if you want to stick to Matlab's builtin function, useichol
The following demo files are provided:
: demo of calibrated PS using graylevel-converted images, least-squares estimator, no self-shadows modeling. -
: demo of calibrated PS using RGB images, robust robust M-estimation and explicit self-shadows modeling. -
: same, but automatically inferring the lighting intensities. Instead of the optimization over the rank-1 matrix manifold as avised in [2], this script performs simple alternating optimization. Convergence guarantees may be lost, but in practice the same results are obtained. IMPORTANT: in this case the depth initialization is crucial !
- We strongly recommend to use the CMG preconditioner from Koutis et al., which can be downloaded here:
If CMG it is not installed, set the "precond" parameter to "ichol". Standard incomplete Cholesky will be used, which should prevent any error message in Matlab, but may also be super slow or even non-convergent.
- For the multi-scale approach, resizing the outputs at each scale is required. We achieve this with Matlab built-in functions, except for the depth extrapolation part which uses the inpaint_nans function from