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Jacob Allen edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 4 revisions

Short Range IR (Reflectance)

The short range IR (Infrared) node provides topics for range reading from the 8 short range (4mm < r < 50mm) IR sensors located radially on the e-puck.

The indices of the short range IR sensors are show in the diagram below:

Image depicting the pi-puck, the sensors increase in index from 0 to 7, and are located at 20, 45, 90, 135, 235, 270, 315, and 340 degrees respectively.


  • ~rate, float: the publish rate in hertz (default: 5).
  • tf_prefix, str: the transform prefix for the sensor frames of reference.

Published Topics

  • short_range_ir/0 to short_range_ir/7, Range: topics which publish the range read by their respective

Subscribed Topics




  • SMBus

Long Range IR (Time-of-Flight)

The long range IR node provides a topic for the range reading from one of the 6 long range (up 4m depending on mode) IR laser time-of-flight sensors located around the pi-puck. There should be one instance of this node per sensor using the ~sensor parameter of the node to set the sensor index.

The indices of the long range IR sensors are show in the diagram below:

Image depicting the pi-puck, the sensors increase in index from 0 to 5, and are located at 0, 45, 135, 180, 235, and 315 degrees respectively.


  • ~rate, float: the publish rate in hertz (default: 1).
  • ~sensor, int: the index of the sensor this node will read from, should be between 0-5 (inclusive).
  • ~mode, str: The range mode for the sensor, should be one of "short", "medium", "long", refer to the VL53L1X datasheet for more info on the ranging mode characteristics (default: short).
  • tf_prefix, str: the transform prefix for the sensor frames of reference.

Published Topics

  • long_range_ir/0 to short_range_ir/5, Range: topics which publish the range read by their respective

Subscribed Topics




  • VL53L1X