This project is to deploy a web-application using AWS CI/CD Pipeline completely by only using the AWS services - CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, Elastic Beanstalk (PaaS), S3 and RDS
- Create Elastic Beanstalk (PaaS) for the Application
- Setup RDS Instance & Application Setup on Beanstalk
- Setup AWS Code Commit with a repository for the codes
- Code Build
- Build & Deploy
- Code Pipeline
In Elastic Beanstalk → Create Application → Add users
- Give Application name as beanstalk-app-env and its tags. Choose the required Platform and its version for the application to run. Intially, keep Application code section with sample application, later we can deploy our artifact
- Click Configure more options and configure the environment settings for the application as per the requirement. In Capacity → Edit, choose the Auto Scaling Group Environment type as Load balanced with Min- 2 and Max- 8 or as per the requirement. Choose the required Instance type and keep the Availability Zones as any and select all the AZ's in Placement section for high availability. Scaling triggers Metric choose NetworkOut or CPUUtilization as per the choice and Save. In Rolling updates and deployments → Edit, choose the Deployment policy as per the requirement, say for eg. Rolling with Batch size 25% and Save. In Security → Edit, generate a new key-pair for Beanstalk in EC2 service and attach it here. But, note: this key-pair should only be used as a bastion host to connect with the RDS server in backend for intiating the database for once. In Network → Edit, provision the Beanstalk with the project VPC network. Remaining settings can be tweaked as per the requirements. Once done with the environment settings configurations finally click Create app, in sometime this will create an environment in Beanstalk and run the sample code application on it
In RDS → Create database
- Choose Standard create, engine type MySQL and version 5.6.34, template as Free tier. Give an DB instance identifier name, keep Master username as admin and Auto generate a password. Keep the remaining settings default as for the free tier. Create a new security group beanstalk-RDS-SG. In Additional configuration section, give Initial database name as accounts. This 'accounts' database will be used to setup the DB schema. Keep others defaults and finally click Create database. Click View credential details on the top right and store the credentials
In EC2 → configure the Security Groups
- Click the Instances that has been created by the Beanstalk and edit its inbound rules, change → SSH port22 from source: anywhere to SSH port22 from source: My IP
- Click the RDS 'beanstalk-RDS-SG' Security group and edit its inbound rules, change → MYSQL port3306 from source: My IP to MYSQL port3306 from source: beanstalk-app-env-SG
Deploy the application DB schema into the RDS 'acounts' database
- SSH to an Beanstalk Instance as a root user
sudo -i
and, - Install the required packages
yum install git mysql -y
, clone the source code that contains the schema 'db_backup.sql' file - Verify the connection to the RDS with
mysql -h <RDS-endpoint-here> -u admin -p<admin-pass-here> accounts
. Verify the connection and exit - Now, deploy the schema to the accounts database,
mysql -h <RDS-endpoint-here> -u admin -p<admin-pass-here> accounts < src/main/resources/db_backup.sql
- SSH to an Beanstalk Instance as a root user
- First update the file in
vim src/main/resources/
. Edit and update jdbc.url with the RDS endpoint and jdbc.username and jdbc.password with admin and admin-pass - Now build the application Artifact,
mvn install
- Copy the Artifact to the desktop,
cp target/vprofile-v2.war ~/Desktop/
- In Elastic Beanstalk → Environments → click App-env → click Upload. Give a Version label app-test and upload the Artifact which is in the desktop.
- Now, we can see the Artifact in the Elastic Beanstalk → Application versions. Select it app-test, in Actions → Deploy. Events can be seen in the Environments. One important step to be followed after this is to configure the load balancer health check for the application
- In Elastic Beanstalk → Environments → app-env click the Configuration. In the Load balancer section → Edit. Select the Processes and the Health check Path from '/' to '/login'. Also, checkmark the Stickiness policy enabled and Save and click Apply at the bottom.
- To make the application configuration changes to live, rollback to downgrade the app first with sample-app 'Elastic Beanstalk → Application versions' select the Sample Application → Actions → Deploy. Sample application web-page will be loaded in sommetime. Now, again rollback our application 'Elastic Beanstalk → Application versions' select the App-env → Actions → Deploy
In AWS CodeCommit → Repositories → Create repository
- Give a repository name as code-repo and click Create. This will create a repository just like in GitHub repository.
In IAM → Users → Add user. Give user name as code-admin. Check mark the Programmatic access and click Next:Permissions. Choose Attach existing policies directly → Create policy. In Service, select CodeCommit → All CodeCommit actions. In Resources → Specific → AddARN give the repo-region and repo-name and Add. Then, click Review policy and give policy a name and click Create policy. Now, attach this policy to the user code-admin and click Create user
In local machine, generate an SSH key-pair using
with name as/c/Users/yogesh/.ssh/codecommit_rsa
In IAM → Users → code-admin → Security-credentials. In Access keys section, Delete the Access key. In SSH keys for AWS CodeCommit Upload SSH public key. In local machine, go to the path that contains the ssh key-pair
cd .ssh
, usecat
to copy and paste it in the Upload SSH public key in AWS and note the SSH key ID -
In local machine, go to the path
cd /c/Users/yogesh/.ssh/
and create a config filevim config
Host git-codecommit.*
User < aws-SSH-key-ID-here >
IdentityFile < path-to-the-private-key-here >Example,
Host git-codecommit.* User APKAXIXFJTQEW2ZCTWED IdentityFile ~/.ssh/codecommit_rsa
This ssh_config_file does the authentication when using the codecommit service which contains the public SSH key ID and private key. Also, change the file permission to executable
chmod 600 config
To verify the authentication with the credentials provided use,
- Clone a Github repository in local machine and cd into it cloned directory
- If the repository contains so many branches do the following steps, or just checkout to the individual branches that have to be pushed to the AWS CodeCommit repository
git branch -a | grep -v HEAD | cut -d '/' -f3 | grep -v master > /tmp/branches
cat /tmp/branches
for i in `cat /tmp/branches`; do echo $i; done
for i in `cat /tmp/branches`; do git checkout $i; done
git branch -a
git fetch --tags
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin <aws-codecommit-cloneURL-cloneSSH-link-here>
cat .git/config
git push origin --all
Now, all the branches have been pushed to the AWS CodeCommit repository from the local machinegit push --tags
- In AWS CodeBuild → Getting started → Create project
- Give a Project name app-Build, in Source provider choose AWS CodeCommit and select the repository and the branch that contains the codes for the web-application. In the Environment section, keep the Operating system as Ubuntu, Runtime(s) as Standard, for Image select any image, Environment type as Linux