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Project Description

Revanate, a Java based ORM library simplifying connection to the PostgreSQL without the need for SQL or connection managment.

Technologies Used

  • PostgreSQL - version 42.3.3
  • Java - version 8.0
  • Apache commons - version 2.9.0
  • JUnit - version 4.13.2


  • Connection pooling
  • Transaction managment
  • CRUD operations
  • Tables are created with correct foreign keys

Getting Started

Using git:

  • Start in a directory where to want to clone this repository
  • Execute git clone
  • Switch into newly created directory revanate_p1
  • In console do mvn install
  • Add this as dependency in another maven project (pom.xml)




In order for the Revanate ORM to know which Java classes need to be mapped with the database tables, you must properly annotate your Model layer classes.

Annotations List

  • @Entity(tableName = "table_name") - defines a Java class as entity to be mapped.
  • @Column(columnName = "column_name") - defines a field inside a class as a column, will be mapped to the DB table.
  • @ForeignKey(columnName = "column_name") - defines foreign key column, sets foreign key column name
  • @Id(columnName = "column_name", autoIndex = "auto") - defines primary key column, autoIndex set to auto will auto incerement primary key

Setting up a session

In order to build a session you must configure ORM, build a SessionManager and open a session.

1) Configuration

Configuration is store in the project resources folder as an XML file with extension *.cfg.xml. Example configuration file, configuration is limited for time being. All options are in this example.

  <!-- These are JDBC Connection Credentials -->
  <property name="revanate.connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=hibernate</property>
    <property name="revanate.connection.username">postgres</property>
    <property name="revanate.connection.password">postgres</property>

    <!-- List of mapping files -->
    <mapping class="com.revanate.testrun.model.Crime" />
    <mapping class="com.revanate.testrun.model.SuperVillain" />
    <mapping class="com.revanate.testrun.model.SuperPrison" />

2) Building SessionManager instance

Once you have a valid configuration file, you can get a SessionManager.

SessionManager sm = new Configuration().configure("revanate.cfg.xml").buildSessionManager();

3) Open Session

Using SessionManager you can now open a session. Opening a session establishes a connection to the PostgreSQL database. Almost all operations are performed on Session object.

Begin transaction

To begin a transaction just use:

Transaction tx = ses.beginTransaction();

Subsequent transaction control done via Transaction class.

User API

Session Manager

public Session openSession() - use it to start the Session, returns Session


List<EntityModel<Class<?>>> getEntityList() - gets EntityModel list.

void delete(Object object) - delete object from the table row.

Object save(Object object) - store object in database table, returns primary key.

void update(Object object) - update object in database table.

<T> Object get(Class<?> entityClass, T id) - get object from the database, by using primary key id

Query getAll(Class<?> resultType) - get all objects from the database. Returns Query.

Transaction beginTransaction() - begins transaction, returns Transaction.

void close() - close the session. Releases connection and returns in to connection pool, clean up other resources.


Used for SQL transactions. Savepoints are stored as a HashMap.

void commit() - commit transaction.

void releaseSavepoint(String name) - removes the specified Savepoint.

void rollback() - undo all changes for the current transaction.

void rollback(String name) - undo all the changes after the given savepoint.

void setAutoCommit(boolean isEnabled) - changes auto commit mode for the current connection.

void setSavepoint(String name) - set savepoint with specified name.


Configuration addEntittyModel(Class<?> annotetedClass) - manually add entity model to the list of EntityModels

SessionManager buildSessionManager()- builds SessionManager

Configuration configure(String resource) - do configuration from XML

String getDbPassword() - get DB password

String getDbUrl() - get DB URL

String getDbUsername() - get DB username

List<EntityModel<Class<?>>> getEntityModelList() - get EntityModel list

Configuration setConnection(String dbUrl, String dbUsername, String dbPassword) - set connection to specified parameters

void setDbPassword(String dbPassword) - set password

void setDbUrl(String dbUrl) - set dbUrl

void setDbUsername(String dbUsername) - set DB username

void setEntityModelList(List<EntityModel<Class<?>>> entityModelList) - set EntityModel list to specified list


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