is a GTK application written in Python using the Poppler library
to render the PDF. It uses pdfTeX and PDFCrop to create the extracted
My improvements to the ancient gpdfx
- Add a "Open" button (open file).
- Add a "Auto Fit" botton. It helps to fit the pdf file according to the size of the window.
- Add a button "Viewport". It copies the "viewport" of the selected area to the clipboard.
- Add a status bar.
- Python2 or Python3
- poppler-glib
- python-gobject
- gtk3
- python-cairo
The one line script
helps to install (copy) gpdfx-ng
to your PATH,
in you want.
- Run
and open a pdf file. You can also pass a file name the through command line argument. - Select an area.
- Export the selection to a pdf file, or copy the "viewport" to the clipboard.
If you want to insert the selected area of your pdf file in a LaTeX document, you may find the following codes useful.
\includegraphics[clip, page=1, viewport=1 2 3 4,
width=1.0\textwidth, fbox]{paper.pdf}
- Author: Christoph Lehner (clehner //